10134 Tama Log


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
:nyatchi: :kuribotchi: :p 31st October - 10:00am: Hallowe'en.

Current Stats:

Name: Attikol

Gender: Boy

Age: 3 Yrs

Weight: 30 lb's

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy : ♥♥♥♥

Stress level: 00





Favourite Music Genre:Rock'n'roll

Instrument: Headphones

Character: Dreamitchi


Gotchi Points: 14210

Username: 10134



Genre: Rock'n'Roll

Member #1: Boy - Attikol - Headphones

Member #2: Girl - Veronica (Masktchi) - Boombox :ph34r:

Member #3: Girl - Jenny (Makiko)- Headphones


Currently wearing Mocha costume to celebrate Hallowe'en :nazotchi:

Maxed out skill when he is still a toddler :D

10:13 - went to shop :nazotchi:

#1: Cereal - 180p

#2: Melon - 1000p

#3: Hot Dog - 150p

#4: Cap - 1200p

10:15 - Went with Attikol to his Cafe, Toy store, Boutique and Music shop....

...have earned nothing...nothing... +700p...aaand...NOTHING

10:18 - Music genre changed to HIP HOP...AGAIN :p

10:20 - Gave him his toy to play to remove stress (-6)


10:21 - GAH! His Favourite music genre is now JAZZZZZZ.... :puroperatchi: :kusatchi:

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10:45am - Have caught Attikol practicing with his headphones.

His new favourite music Genre is.............POP :p

His stress has gone to 10 and one hungry heart is gone.... that's how I feel.

10:48 - have given him a loaf of bread for breakfast and played sound block. - EXCELLENT! +30 Rythm!!

10:51 - have listened to the music that went with the 1st ranking R&B Award Attikol's ancestors BOTH won :eek:

(Gen 1, Umlaut - shimashimatchi - sorbent!?

Gen 2, Jay Jay! - Togetchi - .vortex.)It seems that Jay Jay and Umlaut also BOTH passed the Auditions ONLY after their married. I GREATLY DISLIKE THE JUDGE ON THE RIGHT!!! He/she/it never lets my tama's pass!! Except when they DO pass

10:57 - am going to try the trick by chnging genre's using the trick, who I think it was Kutchipatchi Love discovered (I cannot find forum, but credit goes to Kuchipatchi Love!) by Pllay,play,play, practice,praise,praise, repeat.

11:05 - Music Genre changes to.... CLASSICAL

I dislike,

[does trick]

Rock'n'Roll....yeah. B) :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi:

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LATER - mini update

GuH! Music Genre changed to POP.......AGAIN; I wanted Attikolt to play Rock'n'Roll or Hip Hop. He played HipHop for most of his life! He used to absolutely love to play the turntable. Im disappointed in him. :( :p :angry:

Petitchi -> Kuribotchi -> Hinotamatchi -> Mametchi -> Dreamitchi

11:22 - Oh no.... HE PLAYS ASIAN MUSIC now.

*Sigh* :nazotchi:

Oh well, I cant force him.

Okay gotta go now. I need to Get Attikol and I ready for my friends HALLOWE'EN PARTY.

He seems very excited.

TahTah, Cheerio, Goodbye :hitodetchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :wub:

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Later - am frequently posting updates

12:34pm Am always posting because Im bored. Have finished getting ready but I still have to wait until 1:30pm

Attikols is very bored, he has resulted to annoying me, wait.........he likes the turntable again!


11:30am - Shortly after I said goodbye on the post above, :nazotchi: Nazotchi :nazotchi: gave Attikol a letter: Attikol opened it and inside wasssss.................................................a poo. :angry:

Who is sending this fanmail anyway!!! (I call the envelopes fanmail)

Attikol think it's from the evil judge.

I think it is from Guitaritchi the evil judge too.


Still ASIAN MUSIC. Attikol loved Hip Hop and so did I.


Am going to the shop :nazotchi:

#1:Juice - 350p

#2: Choco bar - 100p - sold 4 (-400p)

#3: Jazz CD - 500p

#4: Cereal - 180p

9:18pm - Attikol met two Tamas at the party a Nonopotchi called Leman and a Violetchi called Esme :furawatchi: .

Attikol gave Leman a girls destiny star I got from this music star item generator thingy; but we all wanted to see the effect of it so we gave it to Esme, who transformed into a Dazzilitchi.

Attikol wanted really badly to pass the first audition like Esme and her ancestors since he was a Kuribotchi, so he worked very hard by getting his skill points up. But he never succeeded :( ...yet.


What am I doing wrong?!?!?!?!?! :angry: :huh: :(
