1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi


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332:Reset it 99999999999999999 times.

333:Make it extremely overweight.

334:Don't feed it.

335:Bury it when it is still on and tell someone to build a building on top of it...

336:Send it to the sun


Do people read? :(

A few posts ago, I posted something about changing the limit?

The new limit is 20. ( That what I think I posted before)


337:Send it to Pluto.

338. get inteligence to 999 and then you think its plotting against you so you rip it to bits :( :ichigotchi:

339. cook it for dinner :wacko:

340. use it as a golf ball :wub:

341.feed it to the loch ness monster

342.feed it to the jabberwockey

343.feed it to springheeled jac

344.give it to a tama hater

345.put it where a stampede of elephants are about to stampede :pochitchi: :pochitchi:

364: Marry It

365: Dunk it in Ketchup and Eat it

366: Put Tobasco sauce on it

367: Smash it with your toes.

...and My favorite:::

368: "Shave" it like "Sweeney Todd" would and Make it into a pie. <3

...xD The All new "Mrs.Lovetts Tama-Meat Pies...Lol (If You haven't seen the Movie Sweeney Todd, You may not have a clue of what I'm talking about. xD)

edit: Fail. Got the numbers wrong. xD

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373.drop it in lava.

374.frezee it in liqud nitrogen

375.mail it to spongebob. :)

376.throw away everything it owns

378.give it to aleins

379.give it to your teacher

380.fire a bazzoka at it

381.give it a ride down the stormwater drain

383.put it aoutside when theres acid rain

384.feed it the food it hates 9999999999999999 times

385.put ten of them on a kebab

386.give it to master hand

387.give it to mewtwo

389.give it to missingno hehehe

390.perform tthe ball glitch

391.give it to your little sister

392.electrocute it

393.bury it at the top of mt everest

only 7 left before 400

394:Give it to the world of pokemon glitches!!!!

395:Give it to Mew

396:Give it to team rocket!!

397:Send it to the end of the universe

398:put in the bin, when it is still running!!!

399:Try to force it into a gamecube

400!:Drop it down a pit hole

401.give it to deoxys

402.give it to porygon-z

403.rip it to bits

404.give it to cyrus of team galactic

405.give it to regigigas

406.give it to maisy mouse

407.drop a 99999999999 ton book on it

408.giuotine it

409.bury it on bob the builders garden

410.drop it in the dead sea. What. I didnt even know it was sick

411.drop it in the red sea

412.feed it to tamachow

413.drop a snorlax on it

414.makee it suffer geography class

415.throw it to the black hole in the middle of the galaxy

tamagotchi old ---------> :) . tamagotchi new----------> !@#@@@#&^%^$&%#!#^%^$#$%$^%^#^%*(*

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Let see....

416:Drop all the pokemon in the world on top of it XD

417:Smash it with a chair :)

418:Let Bob the bulider play with it. You will never get it back...

419:Give it to Rayman.

420:Make it suffer gym class

421:Make it drown in sweat

422:Drop it of a 3 storey building, then drop 4000 computers on it

423:Zap it

424.force it to suffer math tests

425.give it to altiar

426.sing a sea song to it

427.give it to clifford the big red dog

428.butter it

429.bake it in a pie. mmmmmmmmm pie

430.throw it at a nail in the wall ...... and hit

431.give it to #m#

432.half it

433.quater it

434.feeed it to da fishes :ph34r: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :D ^_^ :mametchi: :mimitchi: :) :) :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: ;) :nyatchi: :nazotchi: :kusatchi:

hehehehehehh this is fun


437.give it to thor

438.give it to posiden

439.give it to lugi

440.give it to the man on the moon in exchage for a peice of cheese

441.bake another with that cheese

442.serve with wine :) ;) :)

443.give it to serebii

444. force it too fight serebbis celibi

445.give it to james bond

446.dance the electric bugalu while its around

447.give it sharpedo

448.give it to choclate cake guy

449.give it to bill gates ( he hates lo tech stuff)

450.yell at it mlunganofooda.(it deystroys anything)

451.feed it Jd (it will turn your tama JD.

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