100 fun things...


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Jul 7, 2007
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Well, me and Dee are going for a nice 3 hour ride in my dad's bus tomorrow (we begged) and we want some fun things to do there. Maybe we should sttart a water fight!!!! WOO HOO!

JK, anyways if you have any funny ideas (eg poke ppl with sticks) then you can post here and maybe we'll try some out.

We might interview random ppl or play matchmaker with random ppl. That would be funny!!!! XD

Playing Truth or Dare is fun... or Would you Rather...

And my friend and I like to bring my voice recorder, then goof off completely, and post it on teh interwebs =D

Imitate the people sitting near you xD

Poke the person in front of you then look innocently out of the window when they turn round.

Sing 'The wheels on the bus go round and round' as loud as you can to annoy people.

Start whispering nonsense and looking suspicious

Pretend to be deaf, and keep yelling 'WHAT?' when people speak to you

Yell "OH MY GOD!!!!!!" Very loudly, then when everyone is staring at you, point at the sky and claim that cloud looked like a duck xD

Sing '99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall' untill you get to zero.

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Yell "OH MY GOD!!!!!!" Very loudly, then when everyone is staring at you, point at the sky and claim that cloud looked like a duck xD
Hahah! I would do that! XD

Listen to some great music, and chat with the people around you.

I like Time's ideas. Hilarious!

Sing "Iknow a song that'll get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, and this is how it goes... EVERYBODY NOW!!" And keep singing it! XD XD XD

When someone says something like:

Someone: I cant wait until we get there!

You: Why?

Someone: Because its gonna be fun!

You: Why?

And so on! All the way untill they say to please stop, or, until they give up, say, "Okay!". LOL ;)

This is what I did on a 3 hour Bus ride to Disney with my school. And the best part was, we left at 4 am!

Sing "BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP! Sheep? AHHHHHHHHH!" And I didn't get introuble!

Read manga (I read 3 YuGiOh Books)

Turn on those little reading lights above your chair and tell ghost stories

Grab some Sharpies. The possibilites are endless!

I cant wait for the 7th grade field trip to Disney!!! The 6th Graders went to Epcot, we go to MGM

OMG thats so funny!!!!! We went on and the boys had spit balls and rang the bell that means you want to stop the bus.

We started yelling nonsense into our walkie talkies so everyone would hear and then when we accidently picked up police transmissions or whoever it was on the channel, for some reson, we started saying stuff back to them.

it was pretty fun especially standing when the brake goes and then going flying!!!! XD

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