23. Get a job as a waitress, and when you deliver food, sneak some moss or something in it, then offer to put in ketchup or something or accidently knock off the top bun when you bring it to the person and yell "OH GOD!! WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!?!
25. Put something in your food and say " Like, oh em gee, there's, like, something I, like, can't identify in my food! Oh em gee! I'm, like, so, totally, never eating here ever again!"
28. Buy a burger, and then pull out a pen or something and start stabbing it.. stare at everyone and be like.. "I DIDN'T TAKE MY MEDICATION TODAY!!!" Breathe heavilly and run around McDonalds like a maniac, an dthen run out laughing crazy ^-^
35. Order a surpreme burger and say hmmm can I get it without lettuce,hmmm can I get without chesse, hmmmm can I get it without onions and keep doing that till theres bassically nothing on the burger.