70. Pretend someone handsome/pretty is your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, hold a gun in their face and say, "Oh my gosh! *person's name* I can't believe you're here! Give me your phone number and make out with me!"
71. Grab your phone and show pictures of delicious food to fat people and say, "wakey-Wakey vannila shakey!"
72. Go to the police and say, "Hey look, it's my ID. (and show them a fake one) Can I buy some illegal drugs now?" Then fall on the floor and pretend to have a seizure.
73. Get a mirror and say, "Oh, oh, OH, *your name* You're so pretty/handsome! Oh oh! I wanna MAKE OUT WITH YOU! Oh!" and start licking the mirror and kissing it and say, "You're GOOD at this!" (Sorry if it's TOO graphic X3)
74. Go to a target, get a tamagotchi toy and say to the manager, "Oh PLEASE let me have this! I'm poor and it's my daughter's birthday! (works best if you're a kid)
75. Sing terribly in the bathroom, ESPECIALLY when people come.