/(0L_0)\Innapropriate for tamatalk!


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Ewww my older sisters watched a video on that... They didn't like it... I don't think we should be ashamed to say it but that is just me *shrugs* Where does it say it anyway??

:puroperatchi: I'm not sher what u mean by being very bad for kids to be on here ,but little kids are getting to hoggy on tami's.I don't mean anything buy to all you disagreeers(excuse my spelling typos) ,but I alot of things are said on this website that kids that are 5-whatever.You should really contact Admim. Also tamis are very dangerous to 4,5,6,7,etc...... because some little cheese balls will dip them in water (i do'nt really think this is a part of the topic but im trying to make a point) or some!


P.s i hope i help a bit

I am 9 but I still don't get why it is a bad thing we are growing up much faster these days and my friend who is 7 knows all about it!! I didn't when I was 7 but wateva?

Ahem, let me clear it up for you all.

The ads displayed at the bottem of each page are ads by Google. They are called "AdSense". You (a webmaster) can place them on your site and you recive money for each click on the ads. Google AdSense are clever ads. They "read" the infomation displayed on the page and "scan" it and try and make the ads as relevent to the page as possibal. At the moment, I have an ad for GigaPets.

However, these can sometimes go off track. This is the "bad" part of them. You can click under each ad it says "Ads by Goooooogle" and if you click that, you can give feedback. You can say that you felt that the ad was inappropriate and that you do not wish to see that kind of ad again. Google might consiter your request. :lol:

Ohh, and this topic is fine. Don't think you did something bad by posting it. You are notifing people. :D However, I can see exactly where this thread is going so I am going to close it before it gets their B)

*Topic closed by Jappyx*

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