♫♥♦♠Tama Diary♠♦♥♫


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Tom evolved!! Yay!

Yeah, I'm a Samuraitchi!!

After the Evoloution, I Put a Battery in my Pink V4(A Mimitchi called Kerry)

I gave Kerry Love Potion and then connected her to Tom.

They kissed and became Partners.

I then kept connecting them all the time.

Then just 5 Minutes ago,

I connected them again and They started to Wobble from side to side.

Tom Jumped to Kerry and they started to kiss again.

Then there was Fireworks.

Kerry Wobbled even harder and before you know it she has 2 Cute Little Baby Boys Beside her.

1 of the Baby boys Jumped to Tom and Tom was very Happy....

Ladeeda... Skippy dadee!! I'm so happy!

.....As you can see.

Aww, My Little Boy is so cute!!

I think so too.

Googeee! *sneezes* AA... AAA.....AAAAAACHHHHHOOOOOOO!!

Aww, Need a Tissue little one?

*nods Head*

*Gives Tissue* *Blows baby's Nose*

What are you going to call him?

What about Andy?


*sob* Tom Left Andy last Night...

I woke up to poor little Andy Crying his little Eyes out.

I quickly confirmed his Name and Started to Feed, Play and Care for Him.

As you saw Yesterday, He's going to Type in Blue(The Same Colour as the Mailman. The Mailman will type in Orange)

After Giving him Alot of Attention, he evolved.

Y...Y...Yea... Yeah!!

He can't really Talk Properly Yet, still a bit stuttery.

The Pre-School Teacher Came too.

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