Awesome~ Hi hi Kuchipa! Anyways back to business.
@~My Shop~@
l__lH Bunk bed. 1500gp
(ABC) Letter Soup. 10gp
<(^~^)> MyTamDoll Plushie. 100gp
[]-[] MyDanceBot Robot. 100gp
[#0*] MyCall Phone. 3000gp
(HONEY) Sweet Honey. 500gp \love potion\
l~l Baby Bed. 500gp
\~~/ Double Bed. 1000gp
l~l-l~l DoubleBaby Bed. 1000gp
[--.--] Music Box. 1500gp
Tama Shop.

UNnamed~ She was found lost and lonely in a garbage can, filthy, starving, thirsty, and lonely. Please adopt her. Show her love and care.

UNnamed~ His last owner hurt him. And didn't care for him, so he ran away. And was found by one of our workers.

UNnamed~ It was found going nuts and crazy so we picked it up. GENDER: unknown

UNnamed~ She was a twin, until it died. Now she prefers to be forever alone. PLease adopt her and show her that together is better.

UNnamed~ A cute little pooch that was found deathly skinny and about to die, luckily he was able to pull through and live.
{???} Mini Mystery egg
{xxx} Hard Core egg
{~~} Flowing egg
{***} Sparkle egg
{^~^} Smiley egg
{ABC} Special Letter egg [LIMITED EDITION! Availible for 2 days!]
I'll also give Tama stats.
Make wedding or birthday invites so just ask~
I've adopted

from my shop.
Willa evolve!
She is now a
Chubby: *love*
Willa: *love*
Willa: Yes!
\You're invited to a wonderful wedding!
\Where?: Willa & Chubby's house
\When?: Today when 5 people come
\Wedding gifts allowed. No Cupcakes.
\Outside Food-Drinks?: NO! It shall be
\Served! Love~ Willa & Chubby.
Message has been sent to everyone!