♪♥♪♥~Mini Tamagotchi Adoption Centre~♪♥♪♥


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(Un named)/girl

:D - She was found wandering in the park we asked her about herself . she says she can't remember her name and she don't know where she came from but we know that she's probably homeless..Please help her find a home


:furawatchi: - He's...erm abit of nuts...once he tried to kill himself by stabbing himself with a sharp glass....but that's all behind him now!but the missing thing is...he has no home!!!!Could you find him a home?


:furawatchi: -He may be small but don't underestimate him!!He can turn recycled paper into the most beautiful lantern you'll ever see!He can turn wood into pencil cases!He c-ok..i'm done he was found making something in the park.Could anybody find him a home?


:furawatchi: -Tell him what he don't know!He's almost like a dictionary you can learn almost weverything from him!He wish he had human feelings being a robot...COuld any body PLWEASE find gim a home?

(Un named)/Boy

:lol: -He always says lol so don't be surprised if he keeps saying lol!Find him a good home please?


:) -Come on!Let's pick flowers!!Why not?Daffodil a sweet girl she plants flowers!Please find a home for her~

Here you go!

:furawatchi: ♥ :)

An eggy!! wow!!




You have to redeem it or it won't hatch!! (We'll put it in the incubator for you only if you redeem it.)

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Can I also have Daffodil and lucky? but lucky's name is now Fizzy, and Daffodils is now lily

:) You dont like me any more?

I do! But I thought you'd be lonly

:furawatchi: Yey! I get brother and sister!

You all get cookies! and jelly worms!!

o~o ;)

o~ :mellow:

o :mellow:

:mellow: : All gone!!!

o~o :mellow:

o~ :wacko:

o :ph34r:

:blink: :All gone!!!


o~ ^_^


:p : That was yummy!!

Poor Willa,


Willa: Munch

*plays with*

Willa:^.^ fun fun

*bathroom break for Willa*

Willa: *switchy eyes* No one. Was. HERE.


Sorry I haven't been on for long, just please PM me with any school forms~

Also I work here as the Mini Tamagotchi Adoption Centre School Leader/Boss/Manager.


Also may I please work here as a MTAC {Mini Tamagotchi Adoption Centre} Manager?


I will:

Help with Tamagotchi Adoption.

Help with Stores.

Help with New Egg Development.

Help with Weddings.

Help with Parties.

Help with Anything Else!


Also may I please get Willa's Stats, A list of non-adopted tamas, A list of any RARE eggs or close to RARE eggs. Thanks~

Lets play tag!!! Candi, you can be it!

*Plays tag*

:lol: I'm tired!

:( :Me too

:huh: :*yawns*

Time for bed!!!

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