♪♥♪♥~Mini Tamagotchi Adoption Centre~♪♥♪♥


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( ◕‿‿◕ ) / .*/

o___o/ ./

Lying racoon

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( ◕‿‿◕ ) / .*/

9-----9/ ./


Standing Racoon

Copy and paste this into you're notepad or wrodpad to see the real cuteness of the racoon~!

lolz~Sorry CheetahloverGirl456~I hope they look ok but they WILL look better in the computer's notepad or wordpad

Hey cool centre! Can I have Milky and lots of apple juice and sushi?

And make it fresh :)

Oh and can I have an egg please? You can choose which type of egg it is.


:Welcome to the Tama Shop!

(~~~)Soup 10gp

(~)Milk 5gp

[...] [.$.] Play Money and Cash holder 100gp

l--l Bed 100 gp

[***]Sparkle make-up 20 gp

Valentine(give it to your loved one) 5 gp

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( ◕‿‿◕ ) / |

9-----9/ ./


I like it! The standing one

I changed it a little bit.

I'm going to post it on my siggy!

Ok~~here's Milky :( and here's an eggy randomly picked by our randomnizer ;)





Ziggy Egg

it might hatch intto a special tam~

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ChibiTama01 ,

Here you go!

That'll be 5 gp!


Here you go! (~~~)

That'll be 10 gp!

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Cool!nice name *CJpirate*!and if you would like to add names to the naming machine just post this


Name Suggestion:

And i really like Bingo!i'll submit this one in if you let ^^

and CheetahLoverGirl456..they're all full and happy because Kay Kay plays with them often and he suddenly collects nuts for them o_O and Christine and Chrisie is suddenly cooking o_O

These are the tamas that are available~

Sunny Dew/Girl

;) -This tamagotchi here is Sunny Dew.She's called that is because she is really bubbly but tends to cry over her lost pet.That's why she's Sunny and Dewy....* We foud her crying in a dump.She sobbed her sory out...it was like....she is lost and doesn't know where to live!!Would YOU be the one to adopt this tama?

Yuki(Yuki means Snow in Japaneese lolz!Her temeper will make the snow melt haha)/Girl

:angry: - This tamagotchi here is Yupi (Yuki:I TOLD YOU MY NAME IS YUKI!!).Ok...Yuki can loose her temper very easily.But if you tell her to count from 1 to 10 she'll calm down when she told us her story she is all like ERR!!!THOSE GANGSTAS ARE GONNA PAY I TELL THEM THEY'LL PAY!!!!So you know what i'm talking about ok?Would you like to adopt this little out-tempered tama?

Camila/Girl<Package Tama(With Belle)>

:eek: - Belle's little sister~Belle has token great care of Camila when she was at home with her sisters last time Camila was really mean to Belle and jealous of her ,Camila would pull on Belle's hair and would destroy her prized possesions now she turned overa new leaf and ran to find Belle and apologize to her...the thing is when their other sisters knew about this they locked the 2 out!So would you like to adopt Camila and Belle?Now she's kind and helpful and would do anything you ask her to<But not those evil things,K?>

Belle/Girl<Package Tama(With Camila)>

:) -You remember Belle ,right?She's the pretty one..well Pupp Pupp actually given up on her hehe.If you take off her shades you'll see the loveliest brown eyes you have ever seen!and if you take off her shoes you'll see the prettiest dainty little feet and if you take off her hat you'll see the most soft and silky hair you had ever seen!!Okay case closed lolz


:ph34r: -This shy tamagotchi here is Gummy.Try talking to him but when you ask him questions he might just nod or shake his heads and might not reply but try somemore and try offering him a few snacks and when he warmsup to you he'll be really sweet and gives you sweets and many more presents!He lost his family when at home because a pair of gangsters was at his home and he was too shy to stop them regretting he ran away from home we found him sitting on rooftops.So who would want to adopt this tamagotchi with no family?


;) - This tamagotchi here is Debbie,she's a wee bit shy and doesn't talk much.we found her sitting at the roadside bench doing nothing so we brought her to this centre but she won't even talk to us and just said that she's lost.Who would adopt this quiet girl?


:wacko: his tamagotchi here is Spinner.He's REALLY LOUD!!!And is easy to make friends with.One Day,he went out with his family and got lost in a crowd.He gone to sneaky mode to sneak out of the shopping complex.Seems like his family mistaken another puroperatchi for him.. so he has no choice but to make a mini house he found a thrown out playhouse and slide so he lived in it.we found him there so we brought him in.Who would like to adopt this homeless tama?


B) - This tamagotchi here is Cheeky.He is really a playful tama ^^.She travels all over the world by finding a bag of 100,000 GP.she is a believer of supernatural stuff and doesn't want to buy a house .One day,she traveled all the way from China to our adoption center!!Who would wanna adopt this playful boy???

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