⋆ Popgotchi's (Inconsistent) Tamagotchi Log [ Music Star // 4U ] ⋆


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My dad happened to dig out a box to fix up some things, and I saw my green v4! I thought that I carelessly threw it away when I was little, but thankfully that wasn't the case

Excitedly, I unscrewed the green backplate and pushed a battery into the open slot to hear it come to life after years of thinking that it was dead

I guess I'll also run a log session with this one too then! I didn't really understand the skills feature when I was little, so I never knew you could get Special characters by having 350+ points in one specific skill to get either Tensaitchi, Makiko or Nonbiritchi. I never knew Makiko was on this Tama! I tried to download my old data but it was just a toddler in their first generation. Little me must have resetted it because I swear I remember a Kuchipatchi and Memetchi on it

So I wanted to start fresh, and the first generation was a Shirotsubotchi. I forgot the names for the toddlers, but I took pics for each stage minus the baby


And as you can see, most of the shell design had peeled away on the sides. I still love the Mametchi on the top. There was also a "TMGC" charm with pastel beads for each letter. I don't think there's a way to control which family the teen ends up in...I wanted to get a Meme teen so that I could get Memetchi, and then Makiko. Ah well, Mimitchi is very cool as well


Matchmaker came and I accepted, eager to start the next generation. Got a baby boy, who is now a Young Androtchi. Aiming to get Mametchi, and then Tensaitchi

So here's my small little collection altogether


Again, I'm not running the v3 because it's almost impossible to press the A button. It doesn't respond most of the time and I need to press really hard


This continues from when I managed to get Kuromametchi on this Tama, the 4U and Tama-Go

I wasn't intending on marrying off Kuromametchi at the minimum age but the offer was the elegant Makiko. Couldn't resist it, and I think they suit each other well


Their surprised faces are so cute in the last pic ^_^

The Petitchi is currently a Hitodetchi. Both the V4 and V6 have been paused for the past week or so because of exams and more recently, because of me playing Pokemon Moon. 4U batteries died, so I think I'll temporarily stop playing/logging for a bit so I can enjoy Pokemon Moon

Alright, something really really weird happened to my V6....

I wanted to pop the batteries out of both my V4 and V6 because I wasn't going to run them for now and to save battery life. I did that on both of them, and because I was paranoid, I wanted to pop the battery back in to see if the characters would still be there when I pressed "Download". It was on my V4, but when I popped the battery back into my V6, somehow I got my Hitodetchi on screen. It should have gone back to the buffering egg screen with the three gifts above it. So I took the battery out and put it in again, to see that nothing appeared on screen. I repeated this again a few times, pushing it in, and I got the normal egg screen but pressing B did not give me the "Download" or "Reset" option. I was redirected to the default time, date and birthday screen...

So my progress is all gone!

I was so shocked and sad that my Mametchi, Mimitchi, Chantotchi and Kuromametchi disappeared like that...plus my items and awards! ;__;

This never happened to me either. Now I have to start all over again...Maybe it was because of how I took the battery out? I think the flat screwdriver sorta hit the system inside, but if that was enough to kill off my data then I'm really upset :(

I followed through with the new menu, setting the date, time and birthday accordingly and waited for the new egg to hatch. I happened to see this post about being able to get as many instruments and toys off the bat, so I am in the process of doing that right now (hey, I worked hard to get my old Tamas to max skills and the different 1st ranking awards, so I can get a little cheat to this). I'm going to try and raise the same characters as I had before even though I might not be guaranteed to get a girl in the second and third gen consecutively, and then a boy in the fourth. Hopefully this weird bug was a one time thing. When my battery runs out for real, I'll be pretty annoyed if it gets wiped again...at least it happened now, when I actually wanted to stop playing, than later, when I would get a new battery to continue playing, only to see my data gone, right??

Log will continue, I guess

reviving this almost dead log. i'm also in a haze as to where i even left off

I'll try to log whenever I'm running my Tamas now. They'll be on pause more frequently as I can't attend to them at school or when I'm working on homework or assessments.

I mentioned this briefly, but my v3's A button kept getting stuck. I'd have to press on it very hard and at a precise angle to get it to work. But now, after stubbornly working with that button, it's back to normal! I tried to take apart the v3 to see if I can debug it (this was when I thought the A button was going to be stuck like this forever) but I couldn't find it.

Soooo the v3 will also be running! Well, it might be like more of a rotation with my Tamas. As nostalgic as the v3 is for me, it is quite basic. Games get boring quickly and there's no specialization like on the v4 and up. I'm not complaining though--it's nice to have a relatively low maintenance Tamagotchi. This means that what I post about the v3 is probably going to be pictures of the different generations and their stages.

I am still aiming to get the special characters on my v4. Makiko is still my top priority but I haven't gotten a Meme teen...ugh

Music Star/v6 is a high maintenance Tama for me. I want to work on getting the 1st ranking awards, so that'll mean repetitively playing those music games for each generation

Last but not least, my 4U. The batteries die a lot quicker so I don't know if it's because the ones I'm using are weaker (they're rechargeable), the 4U drains battery life, or if the 4U is faulty (since I bought it second hand, but I doubt it). I'm close to getting all of the built in characters and their TamaTomo record. Not sure what I want to do after raising every adult

Your log is so cute!!! I hope you do post more..! I'm sorry that you don't have a phone for your 4u.. I'd recommend the P's or the M!X since contain tons of material!! Also--- I've heard that rechargeable batteries do die faster, so if you can get your hands on regular batteries, they're much preferred :0

Have a nice day!

Your log is so cute!!! I hope you do post more..! I'm sorry that you don't have a phone for your 4u.. I'd recommend the P's or the M!X since contain tons of material!! Also--- I've heard that rechargeable batteries do die faster, so if you can get your hands on regular batteries, they're much preferred :0

Have a nice day!
Aww thank you so much! I would love to log more about Tamagotchi, but for now I'm stuck with the four. I might get overwhelmed with assessments so expect some hiatus ^^'

I definitely want to get my hands on the other colour Tamas, especially the 20th Anniversary M!X because I could go on and on for so many generations to see the different genetic combos! Until I find a part time job, the only way for me to buy one is through asking my parents ( of which I'll most likely get turned down as they consider it a childish toy ;w; ). Plus the (white) 20th M!X is like ~$90 for NZ currency!

Good to know that it's not because of a faulty Tama. I'll bear having to swap the batteries for now since it's relatively low maintenance

Last but not least, have a nice day too! c:

Time for the entries! (the pics are extra big bc i forgot the dimensions that i used to resize them too ;; )


I uploaded the pictures of the Tamas but I never logged/posted about them. To catch up, after raising Melodytchi, she left a baby boy. That baby boy grew up to become Spacytchi


He married Himespetchi, which I found quite appropriate. They had a baby girl together and she was a Memetchi


And who do I have now?


Neenetchi! I'm posting this on March 2nd and I woke up to these lovely decorations. I presume this is for Hinamatsuri, aka Girls' Day in Japan. I don't think there's any special items for this occasion

Music Star

(Continuing from when it reset itself whilst removing the battery)

There was a WILD GUITAR for sale in the shop?!


I thought you could only get that on the website! I don't remember the price, but it'll definitely be expensive...it's also extremely rare to find it in the shop. This was my first and only time so far

I tried to replicate all of the generations that I got, meaning that the first gen was Mametchi, second gen Chantotchi. Here's a pic of Mametchi during Christmas time


But my third generation was not Kuromametchi :(

I got Kuchipatchi instead


He made his Pro Debut and will be getting the award for Hip Hop soon. Dorotchi wasn't passing the first two times >.>

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V3 & V4

Not a lot happened on the v3. My first Tama was a Kuchipatchi, and I'm on the second generation


As for my v4, I'm up to the third generation.

I raised a Mametchi after Mimitchi, who transformed into Tensaitchi after getting the skill points. The third generation is a baby girl, but she didn't grow into a Meme teen! Uuuugh, I was seriously hoping that I could raise a Makiko this time


So here they are now. Not really caring for them much, but they beep randomly at times. I need to put them in time out or praise them but their discipline is already maxed out


Holy, I just realised that it's been a little more than a year since I joined and made my log! As you can see, I was inconsistent with logging since I didn't run it every single day. Still, it's something for me to celebrate about! ヽ(・∀・)ノ


Neenetchi played with some items that had special animations for her. The mirror was my favourite :D


And today I married her off! I grew really attached to Neenetchi which was something I didn't expect. Her pink hues matched the Matchmaker's room and Kuromametchi ^^ (one of the reasons why I married her off to him). She left me with a baby boy, and the remaining Tamas I need are: Himespetchi and Orenetchi. I saw that Orenetchi needs really bad care and I'll feel really guilty if I have to ignore my poor Tama's requests.

For now I've taken the batteries out of my 4U because I want a break from running it. It's also getting boring since there's little to do after raising so many generations. I'm nearly reaching the end of all the in-game goals, so I'm not sure what I'll do with it afterwards...if only I had a NFC compatible device because I'll be downloading so many characters (got my eye on you, Makiko, Mimitchi, Gozarutchi, Chamametchi, Candy Pakupaku). Of course it'll be back in the future whenever I feel like picking it up again. It's the only colour Tama I have and I will always remember how excited I was to first start running it after all. Always be grateful for what you have~ :wub:

Music Star

A weird thing was happening when I tried to play the third music game. There's always tune that plays out before you start (that's in...every Tamagotchi, right?) but the first two notes/sounds were omitted/warped...The game itself did not act up, and the weird sound happened randomly only when I tried to play that. Thought it'd be interesting to share on this log.

Kuchipatchi managed to get the award at the 6PM concert today. I do quite a bit of time manipulation on my Music Star in order to get the ranking up to 1st and obtaining the daily pay. I'm just impatient and worried that their rank will suddenly drop.


I have 5 awards out of the 8. I won't have Kuchipatchi work on getting the other genre awards because I want to try and find the Wild Guitar in stock again! I'm not too sure of the price, so what I'm doing is having Kuchipatchi sleep until he ages by one year in order to get the Gotchi points (10mil as he's 1st). I think I remember seeing 1 and 5 on the price?? I doubt it'll be 15mil because the adult would have to marry off by then. Unless the oldie can also have a band and obtain a pay? I've never had an oldie character ever--I've always married my Tamas off as soon as possible. Luckily, the shop restock can change an unlimited amount of times when you set the clock a minute before the restocking times. Just going to be really really hard to find it in stock.


Busting out them skills that pay the bills lol.

Oh and another glitch(?) happened on this Tama--


Unless I wasn't paying attention, the Tama Fans at a 1st place ranking would be like 200,000,000+

I swear I always saw the digits fill up the entire screen...Kuchipatchi still gets his 10mil pay, so I guess this isn't anything too significant


Ringotchi evolved into Maidtchi!


She's so cute~ We went on a trip to space with the (expensive) UFO I bought


She did get the work offer today, but she was weighing 99lbs. I didn't bother to play games with her as a teen unless I got a Meme teen because she wasn't going to evolve into a special character. I just fed her to fill up her happiness and hunger meter. The same applies to my v3 too, haha. Don't have much time to tend to the games either


She evolved into Pipotchi. I found out that as a teen she was a Hinatchi. I don't know a lot about the v3 characters except for the known ones (since it was my first Tama when I was a little kid too)


The v3 is running as a low maintenance Tama, so don't expect huge updates on it ><

I do have some items from the shop which I will interact with. She's also 99lbs because I just fed her to keep her happy too

Didn't get the time to post this until now. This was supposed to be posted 5 days ago >.>


I kept changing the time for a shop change until I finally landed on the Wild Guitar!


But I was off by 10mil G! Ugh, I did not know how much it would cost...So I made Kuchipatchi sleep for another day again, changed the time again and I finally purchased it! Was only left with like 30k G. This Gotchi points system is crazy :p

Kuchipatchi was waaay past his due marriage by the time he got 40mil G. He had to sleep work until he got the Wild Guitar before meeting his lovely significant other...who turned out to be Mimitchi!


Took the picture at night, sorry for all the shadows. Kuchipatchi and Mimitchi will spend some time with their baby girl before leaving me with her


Maidtchi tried on various items and enhanced her piano skills


Aaaah so cute!! Still a bit sad because I really wanted Makiko first

She got the Matchmaker visit (just now, because I want her to catch up to the other two Tamas) and this hip-gyrating potato thing visited her


Poof! A baby girl is born, so I'll try to get Makiko this time. If I get a teen that's not Meme, then I'll get Marotchi who I sort of dislike because I kept getting her on my Tama-Go (bad care, haha)


Similarly, Pipotchi tried out some items. The wings and bow were my favourite


And she got the Matchmaker too--


I have no clue who that Tama is, but I married her off regardless. Unlike my Maidtchi, she had a baby boy. I was hoping that I'd get a boy on either the v3 or v4 and a girl on the other Tama so I could connect with them and have them get married! I think that's how it works and if it does, this will be my first time doing so which is a cool new feature for me. I'd also like to get the Osutchi&Mesutchi and the TamagoChu as well, since I can marry off my own Tamas to each other rather than have a stranger get brought to you by an old granny. Now that I think of it, this is also another reason why I'd love the M!X. There's a lot of combinations for the child to become! I know there is still a set amount of combinations (hey, this isn't real life genetics in the end) but it'll still be funny to see what the baby will look like. Will they be cute and petite? Or squatty with Kuchipatchi's thick lips?

I've had an assessment which was stressing me out so I didn't have time to log or run them. Now I have a chance to update it!


Kuchipatchi and Mimitchi departed their baby girl quietly in the middle of the night. I named her Chiaki (if you get that reference) and her music genre is Latin. I don't think I've ever gotten the Latin 1st ranking award even when I got the Tama.

She turned into a Hitodetchi and she is currently Ichigotchi. I didn't form the band yet, because I haven't played the music games. I'm not sure if you need to raise the skills to 999 in order to get the Pro Debut. I'll try to see if lower skill points will still result in the 1st ranking awards or if it'll be harder. Perhaps I'll get Mimitchi or Makiko. Don't mind either!



The battery was acting weird on my v4 during the weekend. It would display the dead battery symbol, so I popped a new (Panasonic) battery in. After 10 minutes, the Tama told me the battery was still dead. So I gave both batteries a thorough wipe and used a q-tip to clean the battery slot. After that it's working and I haven't gotten the dead battery symbol now. Because of that, the clock kept jumping back to 3:00AM. I lost time progress, so Maidtchi took the longest time to leave her child


She's currently a Mohitamatchi. I found the mohawk and the colours for it weird looking. I've got my DS stylus with me in case I need to hit the reset button if the Teen is not a Meme teen



Please excuse the lighting and my hand--Pipotchi left her child right before I myself was going to sleep!

He turned into Mizutamatchi and I connected him to my v4, trying to get them to have a high relationship so I can marry them off as adults.

During his sleep, he turned into this black Pikmin monster thingy--


I've never raised this character before and I think it's quite a funny little guy (those teeth, man)

I don't have the pictures now but I'll post about the progress


I've just kept Chiaki the Ichigotchi around to practice on her own. I don't have the time to max out the skill points so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If Ichigotchi ate a Cherry and an Orange, would that be considered weird since she's basically a fruit herself? Luckily strawberries aren't a food item in the v6. Although I can't say the same for Ringotchi since Apples are a food item!

Oh and she formed a band! I called them Zetsubou (hint hint). I hope they continue to play in the Latin genre since I need that award


It was Mohitamatchi's time to evolve and when I heard that familiar tune, I quickly placed my stylus behind the reset button to reset the Tama if I didn't get Young Memetchi or Ichigotchi. Unfortunately, (again!! ugh) I didn't get itI got Young Dorotchi >~>

I tried to hit reset but when I resumed my progress, the Kuchi ghost teen was still there. Sigh, guess I'll have to wait for another generationDidn't really interact with her so I made her sleep for most of the time. I'm such a good parent, aren't I?

I noticed that her age was still 1 as a teen. I don't know if that was because I kept her sleeping or if it was a glitch, because an hour or two ago, she grew. Coming back upstairs to check on my Tamas, Nana (that's her name) became one of the Universal adults. This was a very nice surprise as I wasn't expecting it and I don't think I've had this character before


Likewise, the black Pikmin monster (called Tsuna) was put to sleep most of the time. Unlike Nana, he was 3 (or 4) years old in his teen stage, which is why I was a bit concerned on Nana's age. Yesterday he grew into the weird potato thing that married my previous Maidtchi from my v4. Not really what I expected, but since both Nana and Tsuna are adults, I connected them to see a very special interaction--when one visited the other, they had a love heart icon appear above their head!

Their relationship status is of a lover's, so I can't wait for them to connect and be married~ I just need to figure out what the heck the Honey/Love Potion item does. I don't think it'll work now because Nana is still 1 year old and they're already ♡♡♡♡. Maybe it was meant to get the Matchmaker to come, or to use when both are adults and don't have that relationship yet?

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I woke up to see Ichigotchi was now a Chantotchi. I didn't think I'd get her again, let alone took excellent care either. Guess I'll have to 'neglect' them on purpose if I want a different character :eek:

I don't have as much time to get them past the Pro Debut stage for now, so it's paused at the moment.



Spoopy ghosts still need to brush their teeth :D

They're in looove~

My v4 battery went flat again, I think. Or it was just acting weird because I got a blank screen and changing the battery meant that the time reset...So weirdly, the adult is still 1 year old. I'm putting her into a hibernation of some sort to get her older (yes, that's definitely how it works in real life) so she can marry the walking potato on my v3. Speaking of the potato...



There he is! He's 4 years old but still being put to hibernating, then I'll pause it to let my v4 catch up. The battery thing is so annoying...I seriously don't know if it's the battery (bought them brand new, Panasonic CR2032) or if the Tamagotchi is mucking up.

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I might have gotten my v4 working again. The metal flip thing underneath the place where the battery is popped in is pointing upwards. Thanks to a member who replied in my thread, they suggested that I should put some tape on top to stick it down. I did so, and it hasn't fake died on me so far.

Which means…

I can write up a little update on what has happened on the v4!

Whilst trying to reset/fix my Tama, I ended up being able to download back the data, minus: purchased food, items in inventory and my Gotchi points! I was confused, but that's fine because I'd rather lose all of that and be able to prevent the battery glitch. Nana finally turned 2, and we got the job interview. I feel sorry for the turtle teacher getting yelled at by her. She's gotta grow up and work a job. I chose for her to work in the bank. She'll earn those Gotchi points back in no time. That is, unless it resets itself…again

Ugh I'm back after another hiatus from this log ;-;

I'll be getting my 20th Anniversary Mix, so I'll make a separate log for that. I've given up on my v4, so this will only be about the 4U, v3 and v6.


I ran my 4U again to occupy the time I had to wait for my Mix. I continued with the baby boy that I had put to sleep (by taking out its batteries, of course).

Coincidentally, I ran it on my birthday (April 10), as I was also curious to see if there were any special events.


Three random adult characters came to enjoy the Birthday Cake at the Cafe/Restaurant! Yochitchi wouldn't have been able to finish it all by himself anyway.

Turned into the blue jellyfish blob, and it was very hard for me to neglect and ignore its cries to make it feel better. I wanted to get Orenetchi and I had to treat it so badly.


I did end up getting him! The last built in male character that I needed. He ended up taking on his personality form but I don't have any pictures. I married him off to Lovelitchi and he left me with a baby girl. This is perfect because the last character I need is Himespetchi. After that, I'm not sure what I should do with the 4U. I could probably try to get the other forms.


I let Tsuna marry off to Masktchi and the next generation was to be another boy. He left his child at the age of 9 and I named him Eren (first thing that came up to me, lol).

He's currently a Mizutamatchi. Nothing too exciting here :mellow:


Chantotchi's band finally passed their pro debut after like 10 tries. Playing the music games was a huge annoyance which was probably why they didn't pass in the first place.

She got the Latin award and married Tarakotchi (the one I had on my v3!) to have a girl.

Waiting for her to leave so I can start the next generation.

Blegh this log is getting quite stale and repetitive XP


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