~• Adopt Your Own Eggly! •~


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Starlight: Luna, how do you work without hands?

Luna:I'm psychic! =D I use my psychic powers to do move stuff around and get the job done!

Starlight: Okay... How was your afternoon nap?

Luna: Great!

Starlight: I'm going food shopping. Bye.

Luna: Bye!!!

Later at the shop...

Starlight: Can I have 1 of each food item on the list please?

Person: That be 24ep please.

*Starlight hands over 24ep*

Person: Would you like it home delivered?


Person: That be 1 ep extra

*Starlight hands over 1ep*

Person: Thanks for shopping at Eggly Incorporated Shopping Center. Have a nice day!

Starlight: Bye!

The Egglies can work without help! :p Don't ask me how they do it - ask your Eggly! ^.^

And welcome to Eggly Incorporated, Tamalove2! Thank you and congratulations for adopting your Eggly! Here she is: Natalie

Eggly Magazine Issue 1 is coming your way! :furawatchi:
Thanks,but I asked for a pink egg.

Color of egg: Purple

Personality of Egg: She is a creative eggly who loves to draw and write. She is a good friend.

Do you wish to subscribe to Eggly Magazine?: Yes

Job: Artist

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Luna: Is the food here yet?

Starlight: Nup.

Luna: I'm hungry!

Starlight: I only got a carrot...

Luna: I want it!!!

Starlight:But I'm hungry as well!!!

Luna: Uwww...

Starlight: Unless you want half of the carrot. I have one half of the carrot and you have the other half of the carrot.

Luna: Yay!! =D

*Luna uses psychic powers to get the carrot and eat it.*

Luna: Yummy.

Starlight grabed the carrot and ate it.

Starlight: (Yuck!!! D=) Yum...

Luna: Do we have water'?

Starlight hands over the water bottel

Luna drinks it all.

Starlight:O_O (Jeez...)

The Eggly Shop
Croissant - 2ep

Cookies - 3ep

Lemonade - 3ep

Water - 1ep

Orange Juice - 2ep

Grapes - 2ep

Pizza - 4ep

Pear - 2ep

Carrots - 2ep

Fries - 3ep

Bed - 15ep

Sofa - 15ep

Dining Table - 13ep

Chair - 10ep

Desk - 13ep

TV - 16ep

Computer - 16ep

Me and Gracie have decided to Buy some things.

Can we have Some Pizza, Grapes, Orange Juice, Cookies, a Sofa and a Bed Please.

Gracie: What about the Carrots? I Love them!

Ok Gracie, I'll get some Carrots too.


~Tammie and Gracie~

Thanks,but I asked for a pink egg.
So sorry about that, Tamalove2! You got the wrong Eggly! Here's the real Natalie: Natalie!

Your Eggly Magazine Isue #1 will be on its way soon (along with yr1231 and PrincessIchigotchiTamagotchi1777's magazines!) -_-

Thank you to Pikapip for finding out exactly how Eggly's work. :eek:

Thank you for purchasing your food and furniture, TAMAGIRL2008! You are now on 7ep. :)

(Your Eggly is coming very soon, PonytchiLuv! :( )


I am pleased to say that everybody's Eggly Magazines have been posted! :ichigotchi: It's great to see you all subscribing to our magazine, and adopting new Egglies! :hitodetchi:

Hello and welcome to Eggly World. Here you can adopt an Eggly, who can be your very own and very lovable virtual friend!!! :p I am Bratztroxg, the owner of Eggly Incorporated, and I am here to talk you through how to adopt and care for your new Eggly. ;)
Step 1. Pick your egg. We have a large variety to choose from:

(red Eggly egg)  Unlimited

(orange Eggly egg)  Unlimited

♥ (green Eggly egg) Unlimited

(purple Eggly egg)  Unlimited

♥ (turquoise Eggly egg) Limited - Only 20 For Sale

♥ (pink Eggly egg)  Limited - Only 40 For Sale

Simply decide on the Eggly egg you like the best and include it in your post.

Step 2. Name your Eggly. Naming your Eggly is easy and fun! You can either use the Eggly Name Generator, or pick your own.

Using the Eggly Name Generator: All you have to do is write a bit about how you’d like your Eggly’s personality to be (just a couple of sentences) and say which colour egg you’d like. Then I will generate a name specifically for your Eggly in my next post. J

Making Your Own Name: Making your own name is just as easy! Simply fill out the Eggly form at the bottom of this post!

Step 3. Feeding your Eggly. Food for your Eggly is relatively cheap, and can be purchased at the Eggly Shop, along with Eggly furniture, which is right here:

The Eggly Shop

Croissant - 2ep

Cookies  - 3ep

Lemonade - 3ep

Water  - 1ep

Orange Juice - 2ep

Grapes  - 2ep

Pizza  - 4ep

Pear  - 2ep

Carrots  - 2ep

Fries  - 3ep

Bed  - 15ep

Sofa  - 15ep

Dining Table - 13ep

Chair  - 10ep

Desk  - 13ep

TV  - 16ep

Computer  -  16ep

Step 4. Eggly Points, and What You Can Use Them For:

Eggly Points are the currency in Eggly Incorporated, and that is what ‘ep’ stands for - Eggly Points! When you first adopt your Eggly, you will be given 50ep to do what you like with. You can buy food and furniture from the Eggly Shop with your Eggly Points, and you can also subscribe to Eggly magazine (recommended).

Earning Eggly Points: To earn Eggly points, your Eggly must have a job. Jobs are fun and easy, because all you have to do is pick the job of your choice and say (on your adoption form) which job you have chosen. All jobs pay the same amount of Eggly Points, and once you have chosen a job you like, you will receive 25ep per week.










Rock Star

Step 5. Subscribing to Eggly Magazine: Eggly Magazine is a fun-filled information and games magazine that will be Pmed to you every week, if you subscribe to it. Subscribing to Eggly Magazine costs 10ep per week, but it sure is worth it!

What does Eggly Magazine Include? Eggly Magazine includes tips and hints on caring for your Eggly, What’s New In Eggly World, an Eggly story, and a freebie for your Eggly! And much, much more! You can only read it by subscribing, since Eggly Magazine is sent to you by PM, every week without fail.

Step 6. The Adoption Form! So, are you interested in adopting and taking care of your very own Eggly? Just fill out this form! There are two, one for future owners using the Eggly Name Generator, and one for naming your own Eggly.

If you are using the Eggly Name Generator, fill out this form:

Colour of Egg:

Personality of Eggly (2 sentences):

Do You Wish to Subscribe to Eggly Magazine:


If you are naming your own Eggly, fill out this form:

Colour of Egg:

Name of Eggly:

Do You Wish to Subscribe to Eggly Magazine:


So what are you waiting for? Adopt your own Eggly today!
I'm going to adopt a Eggly! :kusatchi:


Colour of Egg: Red

Name of Eggly: Pearl

Do You Wish to Subscribe to Eggly Magazine: Yes!! :kusatchi:

Job: Artist



I can't wait how Pearl looks when she hatchs! :wacko:


~ Shining Starlight

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i want an eggly! ;)

Colour of Egg: Pink!

Name of Eggly: Giggles.

Subscribe to Eggly Magazine: YES!

Job: Singer!

I want an eggly ;)

Colour of Egg: Turquoise

Name of Eggly: Beebee

Do You Wish to Subscribe to Eggly Magazine: YES!

Job: Singer

Congratulations, Tamaland_Kitty_Kat, tamagotchizz and Shining Starlight! :D You have officially adopted Giggles, Beebee and Pearl! :hitodetchi: Take a look at them here: Giggles, Beebee and Pearl!

Your 1st issues of Eggly Magazine are being mailed to you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The 2nd Eggly magazine will be issued to all subscribers on the 20th September (it is PMed to you every Saturday) but if you are a subscriber in, say, the 4th week of Eggly Magazine (and four magazines have already been released) you will get all of the previous magazines posted to you, so you can catch up! :nyatchi:

TO TAMAGIRL2008: Yes, Gracie is a vet! :wacko: She started work yesterday (as you probably know!) and I've spoken to her boss, who told me "Gracie is the best employee I've ever had the pleasure to work with! We hope she'll stick around!" Well done to Gracie!

Good news; all Eggly magazines have been posted! Remember to PM me for questions, Eggly advice or suggestions! I always keep my PM box open and never let it clog up. I also promise you a guaranteed 100% chance that I'll reply to any PM you send me! :(

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