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  1. S

    read this!

    so, you wanna know whats on my mind?? A GAME! so all you have to do is go through the alphabet saying names for example angus billy collin darron but remember only one name per post!! im first!!! lol Aleisha :D
  2. S

    Mail Prediction!

    hey thanks for the tip! It helps. lol. thanks :mellow:
  3. S

    Quick and easy points

    koolies lol :D
  4. S


    i only got mine two days ago so im on gen 1.the poll results show that it is a rare family though. i would like to get one! :kusatchi: :D :kusatchi:
  5. S

    Quick and easy points

    finding it hard to get points? if youre tama version 4, go to and for those who dont know click on version 4. Enter your password and stuff and then go to the mall. click on te toy shop and click on the car racing. all you have to do it press the left and right aroow keys lots...