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  1. tamamama420

    Repeat Oyajitenshi?! & Unsure of deeds system

    Hi all, my name is cait I am new to this forum :3 been playing tamagotchi since 2005 when I grew up with the og connection. So I am running my first Angelgotchi (2024 reboot) and I keep getting Oyajitchi Angel aka Oyajitenshi. I am so confused abt this bc I always max out his hunger and effort...
  2. tamamama420


    Hi nice 2meet u. I am also new to the forum ^_^ wow I can't imagine tamas being against the law 0.o wildddd. When I was a kid (with first Gen connection, so 2005.....oooof I feel old) the most teachers would do is confiscate them but only if it was a distraction