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  1. Carl Chryniszzswics

    Obtaining all 127 Digimon -- Comments OK

    How do you keep the motivation to do this? Do you take any breaks? I'm just curious because it seems like it would be a lot of effort.
  2. Carl Chryniszzswics

    Do you prefer to pause your tama or put it to sleep when you need a break?

    I have medical issues right now, and because of them I get exhausted very easily and sleep a lot. I change the clock on my current run, a p1 tama, to night so he can be asleep when I'm asleep, and I wake him up when I'm awake regardless of what time it is in real life. When he's awake, I change...
  3. Carl Chryniszzswics

    Thinking of buying Tamagotchi Uni

    I just bought a uni earlier (not here yet obviously), and being able to charge it was a BIG reason. I can't afford to have a tama that eats batteries like they're candy. Plus, the physical buttons will always be better than touch buttons, imo.
  4. Carl Chryniszzswics

    New here... Or am I?

    I appreciate the offer, but no thank you. I'd rather have it there as a sort of time capsule.
  5. Carl Chryniszzswics

    New here... Or am I?

    Hey, all. I'm new. Or am I? Nope! I had an account here... In 2011, as a 10 year old kid. The username was Hidan141, and being able to see my old posts is part cute, part embarrassing. Unfortunately, I can't log into that account, so I made this new one. I recently got interested in vpets...