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  1. Sofi

    What's your least favourite Tama?

    I haven't played that many versions but something about p2 just feels wrong to me. The character designs were really weird to me when it came out.
  2. Sofi

    Help identifying language on this Tama-Mini

    Oh, thanks for the groovy reply. I ended up getting the exact Mini pictured. I'm really excited about getting my new friend that happens to match the colors I picked for this season. :J
  3. Sofi

    Help identifying language on this Tama-Mini

    Hello! I'm Sofi. I'm new here, but I'm not at all new to Tamagotchi at all. I had a lot of the old ones and all the stuffed toys and everything and yeah. Anyway, I recently decided I'm going to get a new Tama and I think I'm just about totally settled on a Mini because they're really small and...