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  1. ShadowFoxTy

    Shadow's Tamagotchi log of epicness

    Hi Readers! Testing starts tomorrow :( Music Star Lets see..Lexy and her mate left Joey this morning but... about 4:00PM little Joey evolved...and coincidentally he evolved into..Kuribotchi! Which happens to be the same species Cam was lolz I'm gonna do some training now Tone-249...
  2. ShadowFoxTy

    Shadow's Tamagotchi log of epicness

    Hello Readers! Music Star Well it looks like Joey's parents are still with him i know they'll leave tonight, so that gives me a chance to raise Cam a little more 9:30 AM-Lexy got her final paycheck from the band bringing her to 2 million Gotchi Points that leaves 1 million for Joey 4:00...
  3. ShadowFoxTy

    Shadow's Tamagotchi log of epicness

    Tamagotchi V4.5 Well its not tomorrow yet but i got bored and decided to take Cam to his first visit to Tamatown There we played some games and bought a Stereo at the music store Heres a pic _______________________________________________ Ty-Hey Cam wanna go to Tamatown? Cam-Whats that...
  4. ShadowFoxTy

    Shadow's Tamagotchi log of epicness

    To start of this wonderful log id like to say this I was cleaning my room the other day and found my old Tamagotchis! I dont have very many in my collection but i plan to buy more soon! So i got bored and made this log MY TAMAGOTCHIS V4-Clear-Lost in my Brothers room V4.5-Globe Music...