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  1. Tears

    The Life of Chris

    :D Astro just evolved into Hitodetchi. I'm really hoping to get Daiyatchi, because it evolves into my two favorite male characters (with funny points). But from a chart I got online, it will probably evolve into Crackertchi, which is still fine. Sorry its a little blurry, there isn't much...
  2. Tears

    The Life of Chris

    :D :D Super excited! Chris just left last night and now Astro is in my care. Its been about 15 minutes since he has woken up and he needs constant care. I'v forgotten how much work baby tamas can be.
  3. Tears

    The Life of Chris

    The Life of my UraMametchi, Chris Baby: When I first started my tamagotchi v4.5, I knew Chris as a baby. I played my tamagotchi for a while after I got it. But unfortunately, I grew tired of it. I put little Chris on pause and left him. About a year later, I remembered that I still had him. I...