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  1. L

    Corn and Kuchipatchi

    Is there corn on v.5? If there is, does anyone know the code for it? if you know the code please write a response sayin what the code is :rolleyes:
  2. L

    What should i do?

    Oh noo :o (((((((((((((((( i'm so sad cause i really worked on this :o (
  3. L

    What should i do?

    :o I just married my kuchipatchi to an yonepatchi, and then i had three eggs, but then i checked the first icons bonding page and it was just the blended family what happend? What should i do to get the kuchipatchi family? help me :o
  4. L

    Cattis Tama diary :)

    Today i got my tama bond up to 100% Yaay! :)
  5. L


    Finaly i've got my Tama Bonds to 100% I'm so happy! Yayy! :ichigotchi:
  6. L


    Finaly i got my tamagotchi bond to 100%! Yaay me! :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi:
  7. L


    What are power pals?
  8. L

    Please help me!

    How can you pause the v.5? :wacko:
  9. L

    Fake Tamagotchis!

    I had one, but i gave it away : )
  10. L

    Please help me!

    I just tought if you know about how long it takes to me a teene from beeing i child, about how many days? :( Thanks 4 the answers(if there is coming any :( ) ;)