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  1. N

    What is The Maximum and Minimum Weight?

    My tama weighs 30 pounds so I was just wondering what is the maximum and minimum weight of a tamagotchi and what weight is it when your tama is fat and needs exercise?
  2. N

    Question About V4

    What is the fastest way to get my tamagotchi's level of training high?
  3. N

    Ultimate tamagotchi!

    you also forgot on downfalls you get way to many glitches and viruses.
  4. N

    Age Groups for Tamagotchi

    Actually who said in the first place tamagotchi's were for kids anyway I'm 16 male and I collect alot of them. Growing up when they were making V1's it was very popular and most of my male friends had tamagotchi's and the girls that I knew didn't even have any scratch that they didn't even know...
  5. N

    I can't decide

    I like the v4.5 because you get all the stuff in v5 as you do in v4.5 but v4.5 has more stuff and I like the v4.5 tamatown better than the v5 tamatown.
  6. N

    I never got this!

    okay thanx for the information but now to answer my main question that noone answered yet. When i reset it does it give a new character tamagotchi or the same one but starting over because I know the downloading part you download to get it back where it was but I never got the part if reseting...
  7. N

    I never got this!

    So your saying I do get a different tama when reseting and how do you download?
  8. N


    there not making a v5.6 because if they were it would be a fake and tamagotchis dont go by .6 either whole numbers or like the 4.5 with the five at the end but I heard there coming out with v6 in 2009.
  9. N

    how can I get enough money?

    you get 1$ a week that's so pathetic than getting 0$ and I'll tell you how since I get 0$ a week and my parents give me anything I want and I don't have to do work around the house either, lol.
  10. N

    I never got this!

    When you reset a tamagotchi do you get that same tama or a different one?
  11. N

    wut R sum creative names 2 name a tamagotchi?

    Thnx so very much I have a name now and you have a friend! :P
  12. N

    Which Tama should i get (V5)

    I voted on space trip.
  13. N

    wut R sum creative names 2 name a tamagotchi?

    I'm stuck and I have no other place to go but here so I'm asking a favor to tell me what are some creative names to name my tamagotchi. Either boy or girl since I haven't gotten my Tama yet but I will be getting one tomorrow and I want to be ready with the names. I even googled some tamagotchi...