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  1. 1

    Bye, my tamas! Back to your home planet!

    Tamagotchi's Name: Tenten and Neji Tamagotchi's Age: 5 Date of Birth: April 29th (I think...) Date of Passing: Midnight, tonight. What Generation? 1st, will be second when they leave. Your Comments: They were veryyy good tamas, not too much to handle. They were very behaved at my school...
  2. 1

    My Tama Log!

    Guess what?? My tamas are all ADULTS NOW!! WEOOO!! Well, I recently have remembered that V3s don't have an Teenage stage...So, Lee was an adult when the others were teens....So, hes the same as always. But, Tenten and Neji are now: Tenten: Pyontitchi (Kinda looks like Pikachu) Neji...
  3. 1

    My Tama Log!

    Hi! Well, it's 6 in the morning, and I'm getting ready for school. XD My tamas are sleeping. Neji went to bed earlier than the others last night, he's been doing that lately...He's also been waking up earlier, maybe around 9, while the others wake up at 10 or later. He's quite the tama! Well...
  4. 1

    My Tama Log!

    Hey there! It's Neji, Tenten, Lee, and me! (Haha, that rhymed!) Well, today was fun. I played games with them in Study hall without the teachers even noticing! I don't think anybody noticed because I kept it underneath the table, letting a little light so that I could see it. :D I'm so...
  5. 1


    OMG! I'm the same way! XD There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with being overly obsessed. Join the club, hon! Looks like you're not the only one!! Hah!
  6. 1

    My Tama Log!

    Hey, were back!! I went to Tamatown with Neji, and got this stuff!! Passport, picture book, organ, drill, ladder, hammer, treadmill, dumbbells, chocolate bar, and a poster. XD Neji's so happy. We also have got 600 Gpoints! Yay tamas!! Well, that's all I'm gonna write for today. XD Bye!!
  7. 1

    My Tama Log!

    Hi there, :P   I'm 116022, and this is my tama log!   Okay, I have an V3, 4, and 4.5.   Here are their names!   Neji!   Tenten!   And, Lee!!   (Yes, I know I'm a bit of an Naruto fan as well..Hehe...)   Well, Here's what happened today with them!   (Neji's in Red, Tenten...