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  1. X

    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Ok well I am such a BAD mother! Because my tamagothi family left me! Well I just currently reset my tamagotchi and I got a son, daughter, then another son. Well. Well here are the stats: My Tamagotchis: Son: Futabatchi (Robert) Daughter: Mimifuwatchi (Rosalynn) Son: Omututchi (Daineal)...
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    I looked at the views it says 147 views! Thank you all for viewing my log! I couldn't do this without all of your support! Oh and don't forget mail me your comments and I will post it here! -Cutie Pie :)
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Okay sorry for not replying for like a week. Okay so to catch up here are the important things that have happened: Got my bonding up to 100%. Gave my Makiko away to marry my friend's Kuromametchi. Then right after I married my Potetchi to a Hatugatchi and they transformed into a Papamametchi...
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Okay sorry I haven't been able to posted in a long time. So nothing happened today. Although my tamagotchi is now ready to marry. My friend who I synchronized with who had to reset is who I'm gonna marry my tamagotchi to, but I have to wait until Monday for her tamagotchi to be able to get...
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    OMG!!! I have 100+ views!!! Yay! Thank you everyone for reading my log! And don't forget you can leave me comments on my log by PMing me and I will personally post it here. -Cutie Pie :P
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    OMG!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it they evolved!!!!!!!!! Okay here is the info: Tamagotchis: Saralee: Watatchi (YAY!!!) Anthony:Uhyo:tchi Anneliese: Potetchi Okay so when I saw them evolve I got a code to get the girl's dresser and I used it. Then right after using it I got a... *drumroll*...
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Okay so right noe the Ramos' are sleeping. And hopefully they should evolve tommorow! I will post everything that happens tommorow morning and/or afternoon. Talk to you all tommorow! -Cutie Pie :)
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    So you wanna find out about what's happening with the Ramos family? OMG!!! I love the way I look! I look exactly like a strawberry, and I look SOOOO cute!!!!! Sara! Stop being conceided! You are just lucky you were born the right character! Eya Right, this is really who I am meant to be not...
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Okay so I was wrong and my tamagotchi evolved this morning at 7:00 am right before it woke up then after it evolved it woke up and I saw the good morning animation. Okay so back to my tamagotchis evolving. Tamagotchis: Saralee: Ichigotchi Anthony: Bakutchi Anneliese: Chamametchi They are...
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Mommy!!! How come everytime I talk to the fridge and he opens there is nothing in it? Saralee you shouldn't ask mom silly questions! *thinks he's the smartes one in the family* No I think that she should ask that question because I don't know either! *Giggles* Sweety I don't really know why...
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Stats Check!!!   Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥ Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥ Bonding: 30% (Makiko you are mine!) Family Name: Ramos Family Type: Blended Family Generation: 1 Gotchi Points: 720   Tamagotchis: Saralee: Belltchi Anthony: Mattaritchi Anneliese: Sakuramotchi -Cutie Pie :P
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Yay! Today is supposed to be the day the Ramos family evovles! But it won't evolve until like 10:30 pm. But I will post when they evolve if I'm still awake. But if I'm not then I will go and try to post tommorow morning, if not then I will certainly post tommorow afternoon. Oh I was bored and I...
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Okay so I was unable to go and catch the Ramos' before they use the bathroom so they ended up pooping. Well I cleaned it up, but then it lost one hungry and happy heart! But I fed them so now no more! Stats Check!   Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥ Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥ Bonding: 20% (Now I can only let it go up 10%...
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    Text Colors Part 2!

    okay I have a few other colors i need to see. Are there differnt variations for the colors: blue, green, and purple? please help me!
  15. X

    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    YAY!!!! The Ramos' called for me and guess what!?!?! The bonding went up to 20%!!!!!! I'm SUPER happy!!! -Cutie Pie :D
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Stats Check!!!   Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥ Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥ Bonding: 10% (Makiko here I come!) Family Name: Ramos Family Type: Blended Family Generation: 1 Gotchi Points: 580   Tamagotchis: Saralee: Belltchi Anthony: Mattaritchi Anneliese: Sakuramotchi -Cutie Pie :D
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    text colors

    thx for helping me!
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    text colors

    umm i wanna write in pink but whenever i put it it's always way to light! nd on other people's logs its a little darker. does anyone kno the many different pinks i can use?
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    does anyone know the different times when your tamagotchis evolve? this is for v5.
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    My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!

    Oh I wanted to add for those tama lovers who don't own a v5 and want to try out Tamatown here is my code: 21070 11350 You can use it as many times as you want! And to tell you this is Saralee. I don't know how to bring the other characters. If anyone knows please PM me. -Cutie Pie :P