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  1. C


    no it doesnt it hurt it just gives u cramps in ur sides
  2. C

    Guys! I'm stuck:( Help!

    i know i got banned from tama chat and i know better now and i swear up and down that i wont do the things i did so can u guys please unbann me please please please unban me
  3. C

    who likes myspace

    i like myspace better then youtube because on myspace u can actually see who u are talking to and view pics of them i know u can do that kind of stuff on youtube to its just i like myspace better
  4. C

    Have you ever...

    when i was little me and my sister were playing with my moms razor and my sister took it from me and ran it down my leg and i got cut really deep it hurt alot
  5. C

    how do u get unbanned

    i got banned from tamachat and i dont know how to get unbanned
  6. C

    How much money did you get from the TOOTH FAIRY?

    u guys the tooth fairy is ur parents
  7. C

    How do you?

    but that is hard to relize but u just got to love ur boyfriend and try to make him think u dont like him like that anymore and maybe he will start likeing u the way u liked him and yeah