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  1. S

    This Is Getting Very Annoying!

    i have a lock but mums says i can only use when i really need to. i have just moved in to my new room & half my stuff is in my sisters room so she gets angry when i go it there so now as payback she is coming in sometimes without knocing or sometimes coming when i say go away! i am eldest so...
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    Lunar Temple

    an easier way only comes round every so often. here it is. the ful neopian moon. its easy so far i've seen it i think, 3 times
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    signiture bunnys'

    do you like bunnys? if so email me or oceangotchi123 for a bunny. as you can see i have a personalised bunny for my siggie but the public ones you can just copy.
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    tama sos!

    its not mine i just want it to be safe. it was my friend who spotted it. at first she thought it was hers but she found hers in her bedroom. i just want the tama to be safe.
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    tama sos!

    unfortunately the tama has been there for AGES!!! & i cant ask that would be weird. i think we will get my friends mum to ask.
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    i like club penguin!!! my user name is shilark. pronounced: shy-lark. i am usually free on friday so we can arrange a date soonish...
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    tama sos!

    * Moved to What's On Your Mind? forum* ther is this poor, little tama at my school & the teachers are keeping it in the staffroom. how are my friend & i going to get it out without lieing or cheating? this tama needs its owner & FAST! ASA NOW!!! its probobly out of ..... oh i cant...
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    tama sos!

  9. S

    Should I get a V4?

    youshould get a 4.5. they look cooler. i have all the versions EXCEPT 4.5!!! :angry:
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    tama sos

    :blink: please help this is a tama in distress!!!!! :huh: :huh: :blink:
  11. S

    Heyloo, Im neww...

    im new to!!!! my friend started going on here so i am going on her & it is awesome!!!!! my tama is a teenage version of :blink: . i love cats!!!!!! cats rock! oceangotchi123 has an awesome cat avatar!!!! your is awesome too!!!!
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    tama sos

    :blink: theres this tama at school & the teachers are keeping it in the staff room. how are my friend & i gonna see whos it is so it can be returned to its rightful owner? i didn't even see it it was my friend. if i cant see it how will its owner be able to?