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  1. subtleglow

    My Tamalog

    Today's stats: H/H: 4/4 Training: 9/9 Pencil: 65 Sparkle: 147 Flower: 341 Age: 5yr Weight: 42lbs points: 29320 Evolution: shirotsubutchi --> mohitamatchi --> ichigotchi --> violetchi I'm still toying with the idea of trying to get my sparkle points up high enough to get...
  2. subtleglow

    My Tamalog

    Just as I got home tonight, my little Leila ichigotchi evolved into a violetchi. She is so adorable. Here is her update for today: H/H: 4/4 Training: 9/9 Intelligence: 38 (I was way off on my guess earlier, oops!) Fashion: 104 Social: 255 Age: 3 YR Weight: 50lbs points: 21480 Since...
  3. subtleglow

    My Tamalog

    No chance to update yesterday but I can give a quick synopsis. I had to return to work today after a week of vacation, so Leila is home with my kiddo. He told me he felt so grown up when I asked if he would look after her for me today. awwww. Anyway, yesterday was just plain old day - played...
  4. subtleglow

    My Tamalog

    Day 2 Name: Leila Female H/H: 4/4 Training: 9/9 (started with 2 this morning - earned the other 7 in one day!) Intelligence: 27 Fashion: 75 Social: 118 Age: 1 Weight: 26 lbs Wow - today was so fun! She is brushing her teeth right now (so cute) and earlier she took a bath. I played a...
  5. subtleglow

    My Tamalog

    Just hatched today my V4 today- I want to log the progress. I would like to have her evolve into Violetchi, but we'll see. Day 1 Name: Leila Female evolution (so far): shirotsubutchi --> mohitamatchi H/H: 4/4 Training: 2/9 Intelligence: 17 Fashion: 30 Social: 36 Age: 0 Weight...