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  1. Sakikun

    Your Standard Introduction Thread!

    tamagotchi_pal: Thank you! I hope to make some new friends on here :D ~Saki-kun
  2. Sakikun

    Your Standard Introduction Thread!

    Thank you! May I call you RG? :D It seems that not many people know about BPB. It was one of those lesser-known vps, but I swear I had more fun with it than any tamagotchi EVER. Can you dress your tama for the weather? Or teach it to swim, read, play golf, lift weights, etc??? I DON'T THINK...
  3. Sakikun

    Your Standard Introduction Thread!

    Hi, I'm Saki-kun! Nice to meetcha. I have only 1 tama, currently. It's a Tamagotchi Version 1 (w/o the nubby antenna thing) named Dex. I can't remember what it's called, but it's the one that looks like a dark riceball. With legs. I'm also eternally on the hunt for a Bobo Panda Byte. I had one...