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  1. W

    Tama Log Windmill Style =3

    I've decided to keep a chart of both of my tamagotchis which can be found here.... Baby Blue V3 Pink Bubbles V3
  2. W

    Tama Log Windmill Style =3

    Kahli is now an adult and has changed into a rather silly looking Debatchi. I must admit, the holiday season has caused me to neglect both of my Tamas. :/ She is 5 YRs old and does some pretty weird stuff when I'm not watching. She's not at all like her father. Suki was visited by the match...
  3. W

    Tama Log Windmill Style =3

    Well both Suki and Kahli have changed today! Kahli doesn't look too much different. She evolved into a pretty little Hikotchi. She doesn't seem to like Suki at all now. Suki's been very mean to her all day, sending her snakes and piles of poo. I'm afraid Suki will never grow out of her...
  4. W

    Tama Log Windmill Style =3

    So Ally, my 8 Yr Furawatchi, has departed and left his daughter behind. I have named her Kahli and this morning, after a couple of hours of non-stop attention, she has developed into a Kuchitamatchi. I believe she was a tad bit overweight before she changed. Suki remains the same tempermental...
  5. W

    Tama Log Windmill Style =3

    Suki has found a warm home on the pink V3 with ribbons. She started out in life as a stubborn Tamatchi and has blossomed into a shy Young Mametchi. She adores Ally, the Furawatchi on my baby blue V3, but has to stop playing with him now because he has a daughter to care for. Hopefully Ally's...
  6. W

    Tama Log Windmill Style =3

    Hello! My name is Gina, otherwise known as Windmill, and it's a pleasure to have you visiting my little Tama-Family. ^^ Currently I have two V3's. The first is my bubbly, baby blue which I recieved as a gift on December 16th. The second, which I bought on December 23rd, is a ribbony, pale...
  7. W

    The Costume Item

    Thanks so much. The costume is annoying me. My Leaftchi looks like a little ninja. xD
  8. W

    The Costume Item

    So my little Obotchi finally turn into what is called a Leaftchi according to the V3 chart. I gave him a costume to play with and he, of course, put it on and now I can't get him to take it off. Please don't tell me this is permanent. How do you remove it if it is not?
  9. W

    Tama Log Gen. 1

    My obotchi is now 3 YRS and 20 LBs. I found out that the mysterious bowl of soup that my tama likes to play in at night is actually his bath. xD Saw him yawn the put him to bed. This morning I bought him a Lamp from the shop for 700 points. I gave the Lamp to my obotchi only to have a genie...
  10. W

    Tama Log Gen. 1

    At 2 YRs old and 21 LBs, my male Obotchi, known as Ally, has had an interesting childhood so far. His training is going well. Twice a day, for the last two days he has thrown a tantrum about the same time and is instantly disciplined. His training meter has four bars. I discovered that he...
  11. W

    Obotchi Doesn't Want To Play Games

    I'm picky about what I feed him and if I do feed him snacks when he isn't hungry, it's apples and bananas. :D Thanks again, you're very helpful. =3
  12. W

    Obotchi Doesn't Want To Play Games

    Wow, thanks for the quick response! So if I feed the little guy snacks to raise his weight, would that cause him to become sick? I will be playing games to lower his weight again. I don't to endanger his health just to play some games with him.
  13. W

    Obotchi Doesn't Want To Play Games

    My obotchi's happiness hearts are full but even when they drop by one, he still doesn't want to play. The only way I seem to be able to get him to play is by feeding him a snack to replenish his happpiness hearts. Even then he'll only play one game once. Is there a way to get him to want to...