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  1. M

    Minako tamalog

    Nice avatar, huh! Anyway, Clare changed!!! You know that thing- that tama with the glasses, the ponytail and the beak? Or lips? (What the I can't tell the difference beween the two!) Not the cutest, but not needy, either, so I guess I should be happy. :D So, I got bored and I gave her the...
  2. M

    Minako tamalog

    OK! So, whats happened today is that Clare has 6 trainings and is now 2 years old! AND... thats about it. But I'm not about to end my post just yet... :rolleyes: Dont you ever think that soon Bandai is going to run out of Tama ideas? :huh: I mean, seriously, this is just my opinion, but I...
  3. M

    Minako tamalog

    CLARE CHANGED! Oh yes I am so happy. :D :D :D :D :D :D I finally have less work at school so I can take my tama and care for it without forgetting it in my locker or letting it starve. What an improvement! :lol: So, anyway, Clare changed into that thing... wait a minute...
  4. M

    Minako tamalog

    Am I writing a LOG? Seriously? Really? Yes! I'M WRITING a LOG!!! :D :D :lol: Okay, my v3 has now gotten a battery change, and I've gotten over my bad hangover, sooo.... Its time for my tamas stats! YAY! :D nAME: Clare Age:0 weight: 14 Height: What? How am I supposta now?? :D...
  5. M

    Minako tamalog

    I'm so Sad. If any of you dropped by the memorial, you will see that I have posted something for Koga. By the way, Koga's name was spelt wrong. I t should have been spelt like K-O-U-G-A. Everything went wrong, starting from when Koga turned into a Bill. Can you believe it? A BILL!!! Too sad...
  6. M

    You will DEFINETLY be remembered...

    Tamagotchi's Name: Koga Tamagotchi's Age: 7 Date of Birth: Date of Passing: this wednesday What Generation? second Your Comments: :D :rolleyes: :blink: :huh: :huh: I'm soooooooo sorry, Koga. Not only were you badly named, but you also were not raised well by me, and that is...
  7. M

    Minako tamalog

    I'm back after a loong time without posting, or even logging in to tamatalk because of school. So, unfortunately, Koga became a Hinotamatchi after I left him home when at school, unpaused. So I paused him for, oh, about a week now, but I finally unpaused him since the battery will just be wasted...
  8. M

    Minako tamalog

    OOOKAY so I was wrong about the whole "two days later" thing. The matchmaker came at AGE EIGHT so Gwen gave birth to a lovely baby boy. :D so I waited one day and then I did that cheat to get the parent to leave quicker (mean, I know :o ) so Gwen left and I didn't want to play with my tama...
  9. M

    Minako tamalog

    ok so I SAID i'd write the day after, but I had to go some where. :D So my tama finally evolved into a memetchi at age 5. Can you believe it? 5!!!! B) TOLD YOU!!!! Now Gwen is 7 yrs old with still no sign of the matchmaker. I think it'll take about 2 more days for her to arrive :P...
  10. M

    Minako tamalog

    So.... Here it is! My official tamalog. Now that thats over with, how about my tamas current status? :mellow: Name:Gwen Gender:Girl Stage: teen (nikatchi or something like that) Age: three Training: 1 over half For some reason, for me it's like the most unhealthy tamas grow slower. IT's...
  11. M

    Mint Kittos Tama Diary

    So, lets update, shall we? My tama is:   -a female billotchi :chohimetchi: -8 years, full training, and pretty happy. :chohimetchi: -Has a cute lil baby boy :chohimetchi: cute!   That's all for now, I'll right more tommorow when my tama is doing something...