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  1. TamaTamatchi

    Your Easter Egg, 2013 Hatch!

    I'll join with my V3 and V2. Lets hope I could finish this hatch. :) - TamaTamatchi
  2. TamaTamatchi

    Fake Tamagotchi

    My parents came back from Africa and my cousin gave me this: It's really werid, I know it's a fake but does anyone have one like this? I'm trying to start it up but I need batteries. But anyways, it's from South Africa, but I don't know what the heck this is. - TamaTamatchi
  3. TamaTamatchi

    Can I adopt pets in Tamagotchi iD L 15th anniversary?

    Yes, you could adopt pets on the Tamagotchi iD L15th. They're pretty cute. :) - TamaTamatchi
  4. TamaTamatchi

    Weird Tamagotchi Noise

    Well, this isn't my tamagotchi but I happend to find a video of a tamagotchi V4.5, when you push the button, the sound is completely different than to what it regularly is - The whole tamagotchi is legit, everything is legit, but...
  5. TamaTamatchi

    Modding my blue V4

    I have a V4 that's just all blue, I really like it but I'm sick of the plain color. I want to customize it but I have no ideas in my head right now. Do you guys have any suggestions that I could use? Here's a photo of the V4: - TamaTamatchi
  6. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    Does anyone know when the app releases for iOS? - TamaTamatchi
  7. TamaTamatchi

    Debugging a I'd l?

    It's possible to debug your Tamagotchi iD L, I've seen a video on it (username was musicstartama). If you find it, post a link. but I think that user deleted his/her videos. But yes I do remember, it is possible to debug a Tamagotchi iD L. - TamaTamatchi
  8. TamaTamatchi

    The TamaTamatchi Episodes - Season 2

    February 10th, 2013 Well this is the first time the TamaTamatchi episodes have ever had a V2 in this log! Well I have a cute little starfish Hitodetchi! Can't remember the last time I had her. ^o^ Well Hitodetchi got really hungry today, so we went though the whole fridge and found her...
  9. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    A little sneak peak for you guys. It's in color, and it looks like its the layout of the P1 and P2. Meh I hope it has more features, on the bottom it says "just like the tamagotchi, but better" or something like OH and it's confirmed, they will be using the blue one as the app...
  10. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    Guys it's planned to be released in Spring this year...... but anyways more news - Heres something they've kept for awhile, but its pretty cute. They have an album on Facebook where it's all vintage characters and a little information on it, really cute here are some other ones: Maskutchi...
  11. TamaTamatchi

    Long-Lived Oldies Hatch

    Separate thread PLEASE!! - TamaTamatchi
  12. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    MAMETCHI! :D They also spelled Mametchi wrong, they spelled it Memetchi. IT'S MAMETCHI***. - TamaTamatchi
  13. TamaTamatchi

    Long-Lived Oldies Hatch

    I'll also join with my version 3. :) Hehe I've never gotten an oldie before (except on my V4), so this is exciting! - TamaTamatchi
  14. TamaTamatchi

    TamaGo Marriage

    I have a Violetchi on my TamaGo and I want her to get married but everytime I go to the date place I always end up with a Ojitchi....I want her to marry an adult not an oldie so if anyone could help me get the adults back again that would be great....thanks. - TamaTamatchi
  15. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai Here's the next webisode. :) - TamaTamatchi
  16. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi iD/iD L available in UK!

    Please someone buy this! We wanna see if they have it in English! - TamaTamatchi
  17. TamaTamatchi

    Updated D-Best Password Generator for V4 TamaTown

    OMG thank you so much! Do you think when tamatown for the V6 reopens again, you can do the generator just like JamesChaplin1? ( Thanks so much! :) - TamaTamatchi
  18. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi iD/iD L available in UK!

    For a limited time, iDs and iD Ls will be sold in UK at Harrods: Hmmm, maybe the iDs will be in English? - TamaTamatchi
  19. TamaTamatchi

    TamaP's Puzzle Piece Guide

    *** Tama-Deco Pierce: Tama Star Circus ver. characters *** (CREDIT GOES TO ICHIRO.MALFOY) Majokotchi / Witchtchi - Circus Dog, Restaurant** - Magician Dress, Kiramori Shop** - Toratchi, Tama Depa** Acrobatchi - Circus Cookie, Music Cafe** - Magician Dress, Kiramori Shop** - Toratchi ...
  20. TamaTamatchi

    Music Star/TamaGo Hatch

    It starts right now. The minute you see this hatch and you wanna join, your in. :) Just post your first entry. No need to say your joining. - TamaTamatchi