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  1. P

    What's Your..

    Depends what I do to it. Straight Curly short and puffy-ish (new haircut) When may hairspray goes...
  2. P

    Allergies, illnesses, medical problems...

    I am: anemic have a low immune system Have a low B12 count Had a seizure and I'm on 5 types of medication a day. So no, I'm not healthy
  3. P

    Depression Medication

    I think Doctors are too careless when handing them out. It seems everyone who goes in with the slightest bit of anxiety comes out loaded up with drugs. I think the doctors would rather shut people up, than spend the time solving what's wrong. (I understand this isn't always the case and I do...
  4. P

    .-Celebrity Look-a-like-.

    aww thank you!
  5. P


    They make grapefruit cleanser? Why on earth would you want to smell like Grapefruit?
  6. P

    What Do YOU Want?

    Him ♥ Another horse -- because one is NEVER enough
  7. P


    I recently sprained my wrist really badly. My issue is, I don't really know how to wrap it. I have a tensor bandage, but don't know really know what to do.......Help! Thank you
  8. P

    Are you clumsy?

    God, Don't get me started! I'm sat here typing this with a badly sprained wrist, 6 bruises, and a bump on the head...All from today **sighs**
  9. P

    When was the last time you cried?

    This morning
  10. P

    what color eyes do you have?

  11. P

    What country are u from?

    Born in England. Moved to Canada Three years ago......I'm 14 by the way
  12. P

    If you could change your username

    either saint3meg3rlfc or Bonniesmygirl
  13. P

    Horse Riding

    sorry, doubly post
  14. P

    Horse Riding

    LOTS of grooming! He loves to roll :D Bonnie's a Welsh Cross Jack's a Quarter Horse Cross
  15. P

    How do you talk?

    Ye, water seems to be the hardest word for them to understand. Probably because it sounds like War-er when I say it
  16. P

    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? 14 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yes 4. What grade are you in? Nine 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?hmm, that's something I can't tell you, but the thing I can tell you, would be another horse...
  17. P

    Horse Riding

    Ok, fine by me. Haha I haven't been on this site in ages. I seem a little rusty. And thank you bratztroxg
  18. P

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    But he is gorgeous ;) But Yes I do know your point. Fan girls annoy the hell out of me!!!!! I liked him before he did Twilight.
  19. P

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    I love the seies. But before I'm chewed up for thinking so, allow me to explain why; I think in a way a lot of people can relate to Bella's situation. Alone, not having anyone, just moved to somewhere new. I first read Twilight when It first came out. So AGES ago. It was just after I'd moved to...
  20. P

    How do you talk?

    I'm British. (live in Canada now) So my voice is a constant source of entertainment for my friends **rolleyes**