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  1. P

    Editing Pictures

    I use GIMP. It makes me happy! I find it just as good at Photoshop, but It's free One of my Digital Paintings (full view is always best) Another Horse Manip...
  2. P

    Cell Phone Or iPod?

    Depends what you want to do with it. I have an iPod Touch and it does fine for me as I can e-mail peopel straight from it
  3. P

    Do you like to tell your cell no.?

    I don't have a mobile, but it would depend
  4. P

    Kay, people are driving me insane.

    If you love how you are, then you shouldn't mind it. If you're convinced that this is you, then there is no possible way to change it. "cool" people are insecure, their hold to power is hard to maintain ;)
  5. P

    Outfit Planning

    Either my denim shorts or skinny jeans (I may make use of the unseasonably warm weather) T - shirt Pink Converse my hair either in a ponytail or down (depends what it looks like when I wake up) Makeup - minimal, maybe some eye shadow
  6. P

    What's something you learned today?

    Jealousy hurts. Today I found out what it was like to stand on the other side of the line.....
  7. P


    Riding mainly, the rest of my weekend is a blur.
  8. P

    Favorite medicine

    I have 6 tablets a day at the moment, medication is no fun!
  9. P

    Something ugleh...

    It's good, don't put yourself down. Draw up an anatomy chart, I find that helps me when I draw people.
  10. P


    They're a REALLY good idea in my opinion. Though my cousin had a defected one, it never stopped crying.
  11. P

    I seriously need help

    Do you need this website? I'm sure what she wants you to do is delete it. She seems to want to get under your skin. Don't let her. Be the bigger person. Though if it gets to a point, involve your parents. Sorry if this is completely irrelevant now, but I haven't read the big comments above :P
  12. P

    Lucid Dreaming

    99% of the dreams I have are lucid and I remember most of them. I find it's hard to "force" yourself to lucid dream, in fact, in my experience it just makes it harder. Don't stress
  13. P


    I have Facebook, But I prefer Twitter.
  14. P

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    It certainly wasn't the best film ever made. Nowhere near. But what I did appreciate is the fact it stayed close to the book. I thought it was ok, but I'm a fan of the books.. You can tell it's low budget, and the make-up wasn't perfect....but....meh :VeganCheeseBurgerFTW:. I'm not even gonna...
  15. P

    American Idol

    I'm Not a big Fan of Adam to be honest. Dunno, he's defiantly not anything special to me. I'm still trying to find someone who blew me away the way David Cook did. Though I will admit, Michael Jackson week was a little weird. If you can manage to pull off one of his songs, you deserve a bit of...
  16. P

    Weirdest Sandwhich Combination

    My special, although relatively mild compared to a lot of yours, is a frozen pea sandwich.
  17. P

    Best App for iPhone/iPod Touch

    I love my iPod touch. I like Meebo Tap Tap 2 Twitterific
  18. P


    I have too many scars to name to you! Not a scar or anything, But I have a freckle on the palm of my hand, at the top, between my middle and ring fingers.
  19. P

    Eating paper

    no, I honestly don't see the point.
  20. P


    English accent, now live in Canada. But there is no way I've giving up my accent