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  1. M

    Would You Rather?

    Slickly pink all the wayyy =D Would you rather live in a tent or a box?
  2. M

    What if I told you...

    I would say "Whos david bowie?" What if i said i lived on the moon
  3. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    R U KIDDING? lol sorry! maybe it was just the color or something 6/10 =D
  4. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    cool...but kind of depressing im a bright person =D 5/10
  5. M

    How famous are you on forums?

    7/10 i see you
  6. M

    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game

    Because ginger couldnt be sewed =] Why are you discriminate to americans?
  7. M


    What?!? You love spam?
  8. M

    Favorite Computer?

    =0 im sorry i have no idea what you just said.
  9. M

    Obama vs. Mccain

    Agreed ;] War hasnt done anything great to us and it never will..Its the most dumbest thing i've ever heard of. Its 2008 not 1891 geez!
  10. M


    She didnt die?? I dont really like her but i wish death no one. Even if she did die it would still be sad?
  11. M

    Have you ever been at deaths door?

    i think i made a topic saying my expierence at deaths door. I choked on water and i saw this odd kind of looking light wasnt like a color but then it kind of was weird ^_^ i was like stomping my feet to get attension so someone could help me then my mom and sister came and...
  12. M

    Obama vs. Mccain

    Come on guys do you want this topic closed? You heard Tiger lily so be respectful to other peoples thoughts =] I am agaisnt abortion but if the women was raped i guess it should stay allowed..anyways if mccain wins and makes it illegal people are still going to do it! Probally in basements or...
  13. M

    Over Religious friend?

    I wasnt talking to directly to you just trying to make a point...sorry.
  14. M

    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game

    because that loser is really Barney. Why do i speak english?
  15. M

    Are you using/going to use nonTT?

    I like to use non-tamatalk...actually i never really post in this section but i saw the post headline so i wanted to reply =] i prefer non tamatalk because im not interested at all in tamagotchis anymore..
  16. M


    noo you wont get caught lol yes its illegal and I use it to get songs for my ipod when i dont feel like buying them from me 1 dollor for one song is alot.
  17. M

    Favorite Computer?

    Yeah^^ and there sleek looking too =D everything just looks so smooth and sleek on my
  18. M

    Cervical Cancer!

    Yeah that was the one..Thank you for clearing that up =]
  19. M

    Favorite Computer?

    i like hp and the computer im going on right now is a hp laptop =] lol its wide screen