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  1. M

    anyone watch the vmas?

    haha yeah i know but did u guys notice that the building the vmas was in was quite small....maybe mtv is being cheap >:0
  2. M

    anyone watch the vmas?

    Oh well it wasnt totally horable i just watched ALOT better... :0 it was a bit too Russel Brand the host talked about purity rings and jordin sparks came back with a good to watch lol
  3. M

    anyone watch the vmas?

    Soo...anyone happen to watch the mtv video music awards? i did! I thought it was one of the worst ever...i loved rihannas first performence of "Disturbia" but the vmas looked more an old warehouse to me...Russel Brand was one of the worst hosts :D idk i thought it would be better...
  4. M


    well i get paid 10 dollors a week because i do chores each day soo i dont get free money! lol and i dont think i'll give my kids allowence!
  5. M

    How often do you wash your hair?

    lol every other year! i heard its actually not good to wash your hair everyday becasue it takes out your natural oils that you need :l ANYWHO............i wash my hair every other day so, i take a shower and then wait a day and then take a shower again lol
  6. M

    cute things

    baby bananans, babies, baby animals, coffee cups, and penguins =)
  7. M

    Anybody here that still actually

    Nopesters!i dont like tamagotchis at all. I've lost interest in them about 2 yrs ago i think? But i like TT
  8. M

    What does tamatalk mean to you?

    well tamatalk means alot to me because i do have some friends but sadly i dont like tamas....:[ i got bored with them a year ago. Now i particapte in real world discussions and i like hearing other peoples opinions on stuff but i also love the "Fun Stuff" section too. so tamatalk is special...
  9. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    2/10 kind of dark and i dont know what it is :/ ~Mamitchi465~
  10. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    Is that a song? It sounds kewl :]] 8/10 ~Mamitchi465~
  11. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    5/10 i dont really get it? ~Mamitchi465~
  12. M


    Umm you really shouldnt spam on tamatalk! ~Mamitchi465
  13. M

    deal or no deal

    yup and i adore i dont get all my songs from itunes. Most of them but some are just on my computer so i download them. I have a green ipod nano 8 gb ~Mamitchi465~
  14. M


    Actually im getting mine right now and i'm currently annoyed :l I'm getting weird aches in my stomach....but i know its normal. This is my 3rd period so i just started in April. Its not what you expect and you'll get used to it. useally the youngest age you should start is 9 or 8 and the latest...
  15. M

    Teen Pregnancy

    Wow i feel pretty bad for your friend but....Having sex at so wrong. 12 year olds arent supposed to be doing that stuff so she put it on herself :l ~Mamitchi465~
  16. M

    god. Can you explain to me why catholic/christion religon is so childish? That was extremly rude and offensive and i think you should apoilgize to TW/P and everyone else who got offended "How can you make it through church without falling asleep?" QUOTE Well i'm sorry thats my religon i...
  17. M

    Classic TamaTalk Posts.

    its funny because the person who started the avvie game DID NOT expect it to be the most popular topic on tamatalk lol theres like a million replies ~Mamitchi465~
  18. M

    Do you think that it's annoying or whatever

    Sometimes if it has the same kind of idea ya know??? But not really so keep ding it if you want lol ~Mamitchi465~
  19. M

    Rate this pictures please! ^_^*! lol keep up the good work and you could really go into photography. ~Mamitchi465
  20. M

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    im 12 and i wear one yaa i'm still a kid but i wear...A36?? i dont even know my size lol x] if i didnt wear one.....ahhhh ~Mamitchi465