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  1. S

    Anyone have Facebook?

    I have FB~ Only 51 friends. o: But even if you PM me, I prolly won't give it to yew. You could still ask though.
  2. S


    Miss Matchmaker pretty much summed up how I feel.
  3. S


    Krystalllll. My iPoddy. Heart chu. <3
  4. S


    Love yew tew, Truckie. <3 And mah Leefee. </3 I haven't heard from you since you left. But I still love youu. And we miss yew. Leafeh.
  5. S

    What do you want to do so badly right now?

    Go to the Carnival. ;-; It's tonight, but my parents won't let me and my brothers go. Say it's too expensive. D:<
  6. S

    What's currently on your mind?

    Going to Borders with mah grandma. While I like books, and my gramma, I'm not sure I wanna go. D;
  7. S

    Licking things.

    Haha. Licking things, huh? No, but I lick my hands, arms, I put the DS in my mouth occasionally. I think that's petty much it. xD
  8. S


    Fabric scissors. Aren't they called shears?
  9. S

    What's your favorite sense?

    Sight and hearing.
  10. S

    I'm SO happy! 8D

    Yayy, Krystaly. O: Do you know how to play? oo: Name it Jae-Vader. xD Or or or Obi-Jae Kenobi. :3
  11. S

    What Month is your Birthday in?

    I'm an April baby. :]
  12. S

    Mosquito bites O.O

    I hate mosquitos. I do. x___x When I was younger, I had a kabillion bites on my legs. And I scratched them, so I got scars kjlkjfeg. xP But those are gone now. 8D Yeahh, use repellant.
  13. S


    Love you, Weiwei. <33
  14. S

    Whats ur favorite name?

    Oh, and the name Bread. You cannot forget Bread. Ohnono. Insider.
  15. S

    Pants, shorts, skirts, or skorts.

    Jeans. Jeans ftw. I'ma girl. I wear mostly jeans pants or shorts when it gets warmer. ;P I absolutely hate skirts. Well, the ones I have. They're horribly ugly. :]]
  16. S

    Do You...

    As a little kid, I had 'Everything Books' which was something like a diary. xD Nuu, but during the school year I had a really pretty multi-colored journal which a 'g' on the front. I tried to write in it everyday, and I filled it all up<3 And then I sort of stopped writing in one, only...
  17. S

    What country do you live in

    I live in the Eastern USA. ;]
  18. S

    Shaving/Other Hair Removal.

    I don't shave yet, but I think I should start. My legs aren't too bad, and they're blonde hairs, but I think my arms... o: My armpits, eh. There's like, nothing there. It wouldn't be worth it. I've got s question: Is Nair, or Veet better?
  19. S

    How do you keep cool in the hot Summer?

    It's actually been cooler here, this summer, because we got so much rain. But I have an awesome electric fan in my room. :] It's epical. And there's air-conditioning in my parents bedroom, and one in the living room. The livingroom one keeps the whole first floor cool. And I swim. Pools ftw.
  20. S

    Glasses or Contacts?

    I've worn glasses since I was in pre-school. I don't have contacts. O: I think I'd feel weird about putting them into my eyes, anyway.