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    Ginny feels sad today so she wants to make a shout out to someone. :[ But I dunno who. ._.; So. iPoddyy. <3 My Krystallyy. I luff you. o: You're nice. And you're like awesome. o:< ... I think I suck at shout outs. xD Mewiee. Michaeelaa. I luff you. And my friends like FOB + Pinatas...
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    Beckah's back

    Welcome back, Beckah <3
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    Do You Have Any Nicknames?

    Ginny, GinGin, Ginneh, Ginny Bear, G!nny, Mini Gini, etc. xD OffTopic: Nicoletta is a pretty name. o:
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    Toy Story 3

    I already knew. x3 I grew up with Toy Story. It is full win. I can't wait for the third one ~
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    Ksenia needs suggestions.

    Go as Brendon Urie. Be a fairy. Or a ninja. Or a ninja fairy. o:<
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    tails [from sonic]

    I only like that he can fly. xP -notices the fact that this is an obscure video game charrie topic-
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    Guess the Poster Below you!

    Nuu. :] SG?
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    You're favourite quotes.

    "No one can be emo while an emu is trying to eat your head." -Leafie
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    GINNY LOVES DAVIE. She feels special because she's first on his friend list in his profile. 8D And Luke. Luke too. o: He's awesome. :]
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    Keeeeeleeeeey is my new friend. 8DD
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    I luff you, Britt. <3 And one day, we will meet. ;] I'm sure of it~ And Emmy. Mah SSBB obsessed friend. <33 I love yew. You're the best. <3 WeiWeiiii. I feel like I don't talk to you enough. D: Truckeh, I luff you. And Katiee. <33 And Zuzi <333 And Aprilly <33 And...
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    Whats written on you right now?

    On my write hand, the faded remains of my gym locker combination. In blue pen. :] And on all my fingers, various dashes and dots that come from me writing.
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    I luff you, Teekay. <3 You can be Bread’s godmother. o:<
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    Iunno your name either. D: I'm Ginny. ;D Andd, I luff you tooo Ksenia. <3
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    Davie and Britt forgot me. :[ New List. April Bri Britt Michaela Katie Kelsey TK Leafie Krystal WeiWei Ksenia Mandi Sky Beth Soha Zoe Zuzi Nicola Emmy Mimi Tami Feebee SG Lee Sarah Sam Alex Davie Ceci Nick Calvin Dalton ...and peeps. Tell me if I forgot chu. ;-;
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    When does your school start?

    8th grader as of Sept. 2nd. x_x
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    What Did You Buy Recently?

    I went school clothes shoppin yesterday.~ O: And then I got two caramel candies for twenty cents that were realllly good. <3
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    What are you listening to now?

    Tiffany Blews- Fall Out Boy
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    What time did you go to sleep last night?

    Around 12:30 am. Amazing. I'm never asleep that early anymore. x3