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  1. S


    Essgeeeee. Yay, I was first on your list. x33 I luff yew, Essgeee.
  2. S


    Starfire, I don't really know you, but you seem cool. ;] I love April. A lot. <3
  3. S

    Hai, I'm back! :3

    Welcome back~ O:
  4. S


    I love April and Bri and Mandi and Nicola and Leefee and Tameh. And others~ :]
  5. S

    What are you planning on doing today?

    Re-drawing Indy for Krystal. Going to my best friend's bat mitzvah.
  6. S

    Shoutouts for people's birthdays

  7. S


    KRYSTAL KRYSTAL HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3333 Haha. xD But yeah, have a good one, iPoddy. Love you <3 If you can, get into TC tomorrow. I'll show you the picture. :3 If you can't, I'll PM it. :]
  8. S


    We did, Katie. XDDD -noms on her cookie- I gave chu a coookiieee. O: ...Pete. :3
  9. S


    Katieh, I love you. So much. <3 And I'm glad you're getting better. You're like, the best. Ever. I love you <3 -grapes- Some girl at my lunch table was eating grapes the other day. I giggled. Miss TK. o:< I WILL MISS YEW. So come back soon, kay? ;~; Love you. </3 Bread and Razz...
  10. S


    I have a separate AIM for TC peeps. <3 But I'm gonna PM you. o:
  11. S


    I love Bri. <3
  12. S

    What's something you learned today?

    I learned about compatibility mode 8D Thank you, Zoe. ~
  13. S

    u like a boy/girl?

    I like/ may not like a guy. His name is Jake.
  14. S


    Krystal. Okies, I'll trust you. <3 You'll love your picture. x3 I know it. I love you too. You're the best.
  15. S

    Your roleplay characters?

    In Chronolgical Order~ Arielle. [Noob RP charrie. Scrapped a loooong time ago.] Sanna. [Twins with April. Scrapped.] April. [scrapped.] Nadia. [she was good, but eh. Not in use. I prolly won't use her again.] Lainey. [she's Nadia's step sister. Scrapped.] September Samuels. [i still use...
  16. S

    Last thing you sent on MSN?

    "Uhh. Federal. NOWAIT State." Lol, helping my friend with homework xD
  17. S

    New Shuffle Survey!

    How does the world see me? Dinosawrs Go Rawr- Amy Can Flyy [Okie?] Will I have a happy life? Sk8r Boi- Avril Lavigne [it depends, then?] What do people really think of me? Why Not- Hillary Duff Do people secretly lust after me? Come Clean- Hillary Duff [Orly then.] How can I make...
  18. S


    I love Katie. You are the win. o: AND KRYSTAL. KRYSTAL, I FIXED MY IPOD. -doesn't remember if she already said this- And Britt. I love Britt.
  19. S

    The Hunger Games

    I absolutely adore The Hunger Games. It's one of my new favorites. <3333 I just read Catching Fire. I finished it yesterday, and was all "OMGOMGOMG-NEEDSTHIRDBOOK-" ^_^ I like Peeta. xD But I like Gale too~ I honestly don't know which I'd like to see with Katniss. Leafeh has a good point.
  20. S

    2 truths and a lie!

    Whoever answered my last one was correeect. 1. I have OCD. Or, I think I do. 2. I have two children; Bread and Razz. 3. I loooooveee tamagotchis. Edit: Essgee. Numbah ... 2.