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  1. S

    Oh my god...

    I agree with Krystal. If you really thinkn someone was being kidnapped, go tell your parents. And make sure all your doors are locked. Yeah, I hope they're alright. x___x;
  2. S

    What are you doing right now?

    Ginny is listening to music and also singing. X3
  3. S


    Truckeh~ <33 I heart chu. You're epical. x3
  4. S

    Current Mood

    Annoyed. Upset.
  5. S

    What are you listening to now?

    Hum Hallelujah- FOB.
  6. S

    Your 5 most listend to songs?

    One - I Write Sins Not Tragedies- Panic! at the Disco Two- The Only Difference Between Suicide and Martyrdom is the Press Coverage- Panic! at the Disco Three - Nobody's Home- Avril Lavigne Four - Our Time Now- Plain White T's Five - Sk8er Boi- Avril Lavigne I'm suprised there wasn't any FOB~
  7. S

    Describe the person above you.

    Happiful and lime colored. O:
  8. S

    Billy Mays is Dead O:

    Jeez, wow. I just saw this when I went onto Yahoo. Yahoo News. Woah. o_o RIP Billy. What's with all the death lately? >_< x; Billy Mays was the dude who talked about products like Mighty Putty and OxyClean stuffs on tv. o:
  9. S

    I'm Angry That...

    I'm angry that I told him I liked him, finally, and now he ignores/hates me. We were close, and I ruined our friendship. I'm angry that I can't hear out of my freaking right ear. I'm angry that My best friend got to date him when she barely knew him. I'm angry that I have more friends online...
  10. S

    So, how was your day?

    It's only ten am but today's been bad. Dx Cause I woke up an still couldn't hear out of my ear. Now there's drops in it and I've gotta lie sideways.
  11. S


    Love you too. x33 And Truckeh. <33
  12. S

    What are you doing right now?

    I am lying sideways. Because I have water stuff in my ear and it won't come out. >.>
  13. S

    What's something you learned today?

    I learned that I can stand on a boogie-board if it is underwater. 8D
  14. S

    Hola Peoples!

    Hey. Welcome to TT~! Don't worry, I'm a bit of a nerd myself. xD I think your tama is sleeping. ~ Soyeah. Welcome~
  15. S


    Updated List~ April, Becca Juice, Beckah, Bri, Britt, Davie, Dalton, Emmy, Kiwi, Kate, Katie (kk445), Kelsey, Krystal, Ksenia, Loden, Michaela, Leafie, Lee, Soha, Sam, Sarah, Tami, Truckeh, WeiWei, Zuzi, Zoe. I think that's everyone. :3 Edit: I could've sworn I put in Ksenia. D:
  16. S

    Geddit outta my room!

    ^Haha, I'm like that to. I scream for my brothers to keeeeel it. x3
  17. S

    Michael Jackson died?!

    Wow. Yeah, my friend told me. Wow. I guess, RIP, dude.
  18. S

    Middle School

    How long are classes? On a normal schedule, classes are about forty minutes, not including first period. First period we have an extra ten minutes for the pledge and announcements. We don't have homeroom anymore. ;P Do you get to talk to people in the halls? Some kids do, but you've got five...
  19. S

    Ugh >_>

    Q-Tips are bad because they could get the water stuck deeper. That's what I've heard. But yeah, lay down some more. Fall asleep on your side, maybe? If that doesn't work, like Kat said, there's ear drops. o:
  20. S

    Killing the boredom

    Win. xD You could read. When I'm bored, I just complain about being bored. xP Post on TT. Go swimming, it's summer, right? Hang out with friends, go into TamaChat. Draw. Bake. Throw things at people. I always find that entertaining. I like what fluffums said, the exercising option. If I...