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  1. tamadot12

    SOMEONE HELP! Can someone PLEEEEEASE help with the mallet percussion? (Letter notes) I really need this tonight!! I don't think I am reading it right... you can skip the first ten measures. I REALLY need help! :wacko:
  2. tamadot12


  3. tamadot12


  4. tamadot12

    Who can make the best duct tape rose?

    Wanna friend me on FB? That's a screenshot of facebook XD
  5. tamadot12

    Give pennies!

    Hard to explain. If you give, say, two paypal pennies to someone, they can give a penny to someone else. If you do have money on your paypal account, a penny may not seem like much. The purpose of this topic is passing pennies! If you don't have money on your paypal account, post your email...
  6. tamadot12

    What's this mean?

    I had already put that up there, but thanks for the confirmation!! :lol:
  7. tamadot12

    What's this mean?

    :angry: Nyeh! Can't seem to figure out wat mah name means!! Last name is easily "money", but I can't seem to egt my first name! I THINK it means "dragonfly", but I can't find any direct proof!! Halp! (NAME: 錢 婷 婷) Sorry 'bout the size. HALP! :wacko:
  8. tamadot12


    Well, they're hatching. It would be pointless to send you a picture of the chip in the egg, since you already know what THAT looks like. When the egg tooth falls off, I'll give you a picture of that. (and the actual baby, of course!) So, any info you'd like to share?
  9. tamadot12

    Who can make the best duct tape rose?

    Thanks so much for posting that information! Oh, and I just finished mine. Took me 3 hours and 15 feet of duct tape. 100 petals even! Actually, it's a lot more silvery in better lighting...
  10. tamadot12

    Who can make the best duct tape rose?

    :wacko: OK, so I have recently begun making duct tape roses. People have, in short, saying they look really nice (And buying them for $3 XD) So, I present to you instructions on how to make a duct tape rose. (I just found that picture on the web. Not me, and tips: cover up the top of what...
  11. tamadot12

    What Pokemon reigon did you grow up in?

    KANTO FOR LIFE!! :rolleyes:
  12. tamadot12

    What do you consider a geek?

    What do you consider "geeky"? Me: Know-it-all at Super Mario, Pokemon, Dragon Ball (all three parts), Tamagotchi (XD), Yu-Gi-Oh season 0 (Original series in Japan, never released in U.S. due to Yugi getting the stuffing beat out of him in just about every episode), computers Getting into Star...
  13. tamadot12

    Not Connecting!?!?

    Only press confirm on one of them.
  14. tamadot12

    2003 SEGA McDonald Toys

    :rolleyes: I has (lol) 3. One from 2003 and the other two are from 2004. Ironically, the one from 2003 STILL WORKS! XD I know there are options probably missing, but I just wanted a basic idea how much you guys have or if any at all. Thanks for reading!
  15. tamadot12


    THE VISIBLE ONE IS OVER SANTIAGO, CHILE HERE (The other was cloudy) :wacko: Oh, and my tama-go just went to the toilet with its baby :rolleyes: OST edit: Moved to "(Non)TamaTalk-General" and merged with existing topic.
  16. tamadot12


    NOW?!! (Google UTC time converter)
  17. tamadot12

    How big of books do you usually read?

    Sci-fi w/400-800 pgs.: longest was war & peace B)
  18. tamadot12

    Tama-Go x3

    I will be logging all three colors of the Tama-Go. I will start with the adult forms of the first generation. Blue: Kikitchi White: Lovelyitchi Green: Pipotchi December 16, 2010 Kikitchi + Loveylitchi turn 6, so they married by connection. (2 girls!) :rolleyes: (Pipotchi is 5 at the...
  19. tamadot12


    Oh, thank you! (I already knew you were a TZ mod.) But anyway, I had read that my post had not gone through, but it appears that it had because I was able to post after that. Thanks ;)