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  1. Band Geek

    What are you listening to now?

    Belated Promise Ring
  2. Band Geek

    Ratings & such ;;

    PG-13. Why not.
  3. Band Geek

    honestly, what do you think?

    Eh, they're ok...
  4. Band Geek


    I like them, but I hate them when they are in (college) marching bands. I think it's HIGHLY unnecessary for them to be in band when they have guard (plus, all the cheerleaders do is stand there... they don't march like guard -_- ). Please note, I DO consider it a sport, but not when they are...
  5. Band Geek

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    Random, but it bugs me when people do that. D: ( Don't think I don't like you just because you do that.) Anyway, I've been obsessed with a AWESOME website called stereomood. It makes a playlist depending on your mood. :3 Also, indie folk music. -w-
  6. Band Geek

    Fun Muisc Quiz Thingy!

    What do you like in a guy/girl?: The Dress Looks Nice on You (so, caring? x3) How do you feel today?: Good Friends, Bad Habits What is your life's purpose?: Lewis Takes Off His Shirt (wow... o.o) What Do your friends think of you?: Lights Out What Do you think of your parents...
  7. Band Geek

    Do You Believe In Gay Marriage?

    Wow, thats pretty rude. I have gay friends and a gay teacher, and I find this VERY offensive. How would you feel if a gay person said you were disgusting? No offense, but you and your friend seem very homophobic. INB4: The bible says gays are bad!!1 Anyway, I think gay marriage should be...
  8. Band Geek

    Funny Moments at School

    Today after band lesson, Ben put a staple in his mouth (To pretend it's a lip piercing... :) ), and some 7th grader said "Holy crap. That guy has his lip pierced!!!" me and Rhiannon laughed so hard. xD Oh yeah, and when I say he put a staple in his mouth, I don't mean he STAPLED it to his...
  9. Band Geek

    Youtube accounts

    Yup. Redtama. XD
  10. Band Geek

    All about you!

    About Me Name: Skadi Nickname: Stripes ._. Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Online Me! Email: Blog: IM: rudicat95 I game online at: Gaia I guess xP Faves: Color: Sky blue Smell: Victoria's Secret 'Love Spell' Sound: Vibes o: (the instrument... xDD) Snack: anything xD Stress...
  11. Band Geek

    What's Your...

    Bi-curious. I've had on and off feelings for girls for like, forever. Since like 5th grade actually. I really wanna come out to my parents,but how?
  12. Band Geek

    Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...

    Disorders: Pica disorder ADD Diseases: Glaucoma (Not sure what kind yet) Hypertension Tycoon's Cap Other: I have autistic tendencies; sensitivity to light and sound.
  13. Band Geek

    Are You Right Or Left Handed

    Mainly right handed, but I use both hands for mallets. (I just HAD to put that in there. xD)
  14. Band Geek


    1. On my shoulder, from shaving. xD 2. I'm not sure if you'd consider them scars, but I have these big indents/scars from the IV's I had to get as a baby (I was born premature). I think that's how I got them.
  15. Band Geek


    O: Me too! Except I label myself as contralto. I can go realll low. I can't hit any high alto notes. ;_; I quit chorus because I didn't like the songs, and plus, my school has block scheduling, so I had to go to chorus at 7:45. So I had to choose band or chorus.
  16. Band Geek

    Your Style! :]

    ;dlklfkju I decided to re-do mine. xD Cold days: -My green,brown,tan and cream plaid trench <3 -skinny jeans -moccasins -gloves ( Rarely though... I'm a glove size XXS.... So it's impossible to find fitting gloves. ;_; ) -brown scarf -black socks - gauges - link Warm days: - any...
  17. Band Geek

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    - Stretching my ears (I'm at 14g atm. XD) - sims 3. - music
  18. Band Geek


    I don't have a school uniform. I'm kinda upset that we don't, so we wouldn't have to worry about clothes.. You guys better be happy because I didn't talk about marching band. XD
  19. Band Geek

    Your Style! :]

    I normally wear: -skinny jeans -any random shirt (like my show shirt or a fancy shirt) -sometimes a cardigan -mocassins or flip flops, depending on the weather -my link (necklace) - bracelets -my studded belt