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  1. ChocoToken

    Current Mood

  2. ChocoToken

    Help me.

    I shouldn't have jumped all fast to conclusions are stuff. Um.. Today, I said "Yeah, if you weren't interested, you could've tell me. I won't bother you anymore." I said it nervously laughing. Then he goes and says "What makes you think I wasn't interested into you? Last weekend was just very...
  3. ChocoToken

    What song is this?

    Click ^ I like T_T
  4. ChocoToken

    Help me.

    Gah. I might as well tell you the whole story. Remember the topic about me getting a date? Anyways, I'll tell you the whole story. After much BAWWING. Wednesday Me: "You said you were gay too, right. Well I'm gay too, maybe we could hang out.." Him: *Big Grin* "Ohh, I'm sorta busy, Imma let...
  5. ChocoToken


    So Late. T_T Happy Helping Birthday ~Kawaii
  6. ChocoToken

    What are you planning on doing today?

    Study for an American Studies test. And.. maybe visit a store..
  7. ChocoToken

    What are you listening to now?

    Party In The U.S.A. - Miley Cyrus
  8. ChocoToken

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

  9. ChocoToken

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

  10. ChocoToken

    Current Mood

    A little disappointed, but for the most. I am a calm, and laid back.
  11. ChocoToken

    What are you doing right now?

    IM'ing WeiWei, and Ksenia. Feeling dying, argh. I need to fix this problem.
  12. ChocoToken

    Which Tamatalk skin do you use?

    Original. It's very smooth on my vision. x.x
  13. ChocoToken

    How To Do This?

    Um.. how do I do it? I'm thinking about asking this one guy out, and yes I know, he's gay. And I am too. Er.. how do I ask him out? What can I properly say? I'm afraid I might mess up. My blood flow rises when I see him. And how to look good? I had everything planned out, I'm waking up a...
  14. ChocoToken

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

  15. ChocoToken

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    Um... Black Vest with a Black Long Sleeves rolled up dress shirt.. Black skinny jeans Black vans shoes with red and white shoelaces. Black and Red wristbands.
  16. ChocoToken

    Lady gaga went to my school!

    Not creepy at all. :rolleyes: You'll never know who might be famous in your school. Wow, amazing. I want to see the picture of it. xD
  17. ChocoToken

    Suicide Silence

    Wow. These people are hot, I love their music. Has anyone heard of them? I recently went to Hot Topic, and I started playing their music on those little digital screen thingies. The music is HOT on there. My favorite songs are Wake Up, Genocide, and No Time to Bleed. At first when I heard Wake...
  18. ChocoToken

    hair dye

    Oh how untrue.. The school never follows all the rules. xDD I've seen kids at our school who's hair, is Pink (she eventually made it darker), Dark Pink, Red, Purple, and Brunette. My advice.. wear it in a way so it doesn't look too extreme. You can also touch it up with some black or another...
  19. ChocoToken


  20. ChocoToken

    What are you doing right now?

    Reading Encyclopedia Dramatica. I <333 that website.