Do you really care about being happy & successful that you can accomplish some things? Or do you just want to feel satisfied that you accomplished something just to beat her? Because.. it seems like you don't really care about succeeding yourself at the moment, you just want to beat her at...
Hmm.. I started liking History until now.. my US History teacher is pretty entertaining, she cusses, yells, screams, rants, and debate when she talks about the History of the U.S., she's good at grabbing people's attention. Dx
Ahh.. The I-Hate-Everything-In-School-And-People-Around-Me-Phase. Just know this is just a period and time of your life what you will have to go through, and so does everyone else. It'll be gone and over with as soon as you know it. And trust me, things can be worse. I know you probably hate...
My schedule... It's not the best, I'm just proud of myself that I made it so far.
Semester 1
Period 1 & 2: Geometry
Period 3 & 4: Biology Part 2
Period 5: Music Appreciation
Period 6: US History
Period 7: Spanish 1 CP
Semester 2
Period 1 & 2: English 3
Period 3 & 4...
I think you're overlooking the fact of what she does to get there.. It seems like you only have like one side of the story where you believe she's miss perfect, miss happy life, miss everything is easy for you. Because like that, you never know if her outside life could be like miserable or...
Ohkay, I have a boyfriend.. he's like a month younger than me, and 1 grade lower than me. But it bothers me, because he is soo smart, and intelligent. He takes higher classes than me, he's so ahead. In fact, he even got his license. He knows more things than me, he took classes I've already...
Amazing, haha. Sometimes we are unaware of our talents, and strengths... I think your adrenal glands got excited or something, but I would still put that skill to use. Haha, and awesome in real life Maplestory skills. Dx
That's still uber cool, Sky. =D