Facebook. I've always used facebook, lol.
I like Twitter too though, but all I really do on there is post stuff people could honestly care less about xD
Twitter : wowowowowoowow, i just accidentally spent an hour and a half playing an iphone game xD
Facebook : "LIKE" this status & I'll send you a wall post saying something I like about you; Set this as your status. :)
I dont update my facebok status a lot , lol
This is like the happiest I've ever been for getting it. Cause this means I wont have it for Grad or Ultimate tournament : )
I usually get like really bad cramps in my right leg and foot the few days before my period.
Thunder - Boys like Girls
Superman (Save you) 2:48 - The Friday Night Boys
Summer Girl - Stereos
When we say (Juicebox) - AJ Rafael
Baby ft Ludacris - Justin Bieber
iYiYi - Cody Simpson
Follow Me Down Feat. Neon Hitch - 3OH!3
Whoever She Is - The Maine
Don't Forget - Demi Lovato
All, my scares go away, except for one on my left wrist. Ahahh, I remember, I came in from lunch one day last year, and my left wrist had this slit and was like bleeding... xD
1. What was the highlight of your week?
Friday for suree : )
2. Whose car were you in last?
3. When is the next time you will kiss someone?
No ideaa.
4. What color shirt are you wearing?
5. How long is your hair?
A little past shoulder-length
6. Are you good looking...
Well, elementary school here, it's just one class. Next year, I'm taking 8/9 math though, which is the accelerated program. And then in grade 9, I'll be taking math 10.