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  1. S

    Wheres the best place to get a music star

    I have gotten all my tamagotchis at Toys r US they always seem to have them but you can order one on line here for a good price
  2. S

    Why won't the sound work?

    maybe your sound wire broke I think you can fis it some how though
  3. S

    The matchmaker wont come

    Well he 6 now and he either has a concert or the mailman comes and the only time the band manger comes is to give me my pay check I don't think he'll ever marry :D
  4. S

    Remember Your First Tama?

    My frist Tamagotchi was a Orange with Flowers V3 I was very exiced when I got it. It was a boy who I tried to name "Cute" but messed up and acidently named "Duta" FOr its tolder stage it was a mizutamatchi then it was a patapatatchi and then finaly a :( I was so happy when it grow up to be a...
  5. S

    Are v6 (music stars) any fun?

    I find them rather fun money is a little hard to earn at frist but once you pass you audions it is easy. I have this one good color is this one another good color is this...
  6. S

    What the?!

    Urapet, V3, Conexion Animal? They need to decided on one name. And is that a lazer pointer in there? (the words on the packaging look like jello yay)
  7. S

    v6 Who are they?

    They are Christmas trees. B)
  8. S

    What is this Tamagotchi item?

    I don't know if this is the right place for this thread but I have been trying to figure out what this is. Here is a picture of it. I have also been looking for a place that sells it. There is this website about it...
  9. S

    The matchmaker wont come

    My Music Star is 5 years old and the matchmaker wont come at all I been trying for a few days
  10. S

    Do Tamagotchis Will Happen Anything When It Drop?

    There very durable. My friend and me were messing around with it on the bus and he was swing it around his finger and the chain broke and it flew across the bus and it ways fine. I just had to reattach the chain.
  11. S

    Too tiny?

    Well I fixed it by breaking up a cotton ball and putting between the battery cover and the battery so now it works yay.
  12. S

    Too tiny?

    Okay so I have 4 tamas a V3, V4, V5, and Music Star and all there batteries died so I got new ones (2 are duracell 2 are enerzer) But there too thin for the V3 and V4 even with after being taped down they will either just shut down like poof or some times the dead battery sign will appear then...
  13. S

    A little help please?

    Try Walgreens
  14. S

    Connection issues

    The V6 can only connect to other v6 and v5s and v5.5s
  15. S

    V6 beeping

    how to stop it from beeping on pause
  16. S

    I found one of their unreleased games on the site!

    cool game I wonder why it was never released
  17. S

    Should I get it?

    Yes you should if you want it, in my opinion the V3 is an awesome tamagotchi.
  18. S

    Music star glitch!

    they don't fill any hunger heats when there a teen and beyond
  19. S

    Music star glitch!

    This not a glitch after your tamagotchi grows out of its baby stage "baby food" can no longer fill it up and "baby's milk" can no longer raise it happiness. You have to get some money and buy some food a snacks to raises these levels