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  1. D


    whats a shrew? it sounds fluffeh!! anywho, i gots: a hamster named BUSTER a bunny named PETEY a goldfish named ELVIS (drom roll please) AND BUBBLES, my other goldfishy and to think years ago my mom told me "we are never getting a pet and we never will"
  2. D

    help really fast

    well you wont believe this but i actually became really good freinds with one of the boys after he almost killed my bunny! one boy (actually the one that i like) threw the basket ball really hard and my little brother missed it and it landed in my garadge and hit my buny's hutch really hard...
  3. D


    take the risk!!! i repaet she wil never go out with you if u never ask!
  4. D


    well just be really sweet, and if ur clumsy, be clumsy (most girls think its kida cute suprizingly, just dont TRY to be clumsy if ur not) be urself, mabey send her a note if u cant ask her out in person but she will never go out with u if you never ask so ASK,forgett all your fears and just go...
  5. D

    help really fast

    ok these cute boys from my class came to my cort yard and are playing with my little brouther (go figure) and i really wanna go out and talk to them! what do i say?! they are playing basketball and i cant ask if i can play because 1. i suck at basketball 2. every time im playing a sport (or...
  6. D

    isnt this a little wierd

    isnt it kinda strange that my little brother is making friends with all my guy friends? hes always hanging out with them and when i shoo him away my friends get all mad at me, i hate having him there cuz he always blurts out embarassing stuff about me and they are starting to like him more than...
  7. D

    good teen bookz?

    well its not nessesaryally sexist, every body is diffrent but im pretty sure most guys wouldnt read some books out there wich are considerd "girly books" (ones about teenage girls and romance novles etc. ) it dosnt mean girls are limited to those type of books or that boys cant read them it just...
  8. D

    What is the stupidest way to lose a cell phone?

    *leaving it at a phone store *mistaking it for a chocolate bar and eating it *forgetting it was in your pocket and putting in in the washing machene ...ok i WILL admit the second one was not true but the other two were!
  9. D

    My guinnea pig is having babies!

    shes beautiful and im sure shes gonna make a great mommy congradulations!!
  10. D

    3 of my bunnies died today

    thaks all of you :(
  11. D

    3 of my bunnies died today

    well i had a towel over it and a cold watter bottle next to it, they live outside on the count of the great weather we have here, exept in the summer it can get ugly and my mom told me to bring them inside and i waited just a little bit and thats when it happend
  12. D

    3 of my bunnies died today

    i slept over at my niebor (the bunny bunny breeder)'s house and she told me that i could keep the two little survivors, insted of selling them, that made me feel a little better
  13. D

    3 of my bunnies died today

    my niebor is a rabbit breeder (and expert) her male bunny and my female bunniy mated, she gave me permision to let them be born at my house and raised until they were old enough to be sold, she was so exited about this project because they are a rare breed and great for rabbit shows. pretty...
  14. D

    is it just me?

    ok one time whe i went to my friends house and my dad told me to be back by five, i was back by 5:10 and he gave me a 2 hour lecture about how i need to be home on time and he hast to trust me, then after i thought it was all over my parents brought me into the kitchen to have ANOUTHER 2 hour...
  15. D


    really random..
  16. D

    good teen bookz?

    does any one have good teen books for girls? or good teen books in genral?
  17. D

    books U think that should be banned

    no books should be banned , diffrent people like diffrent books and if u dont like it thats ur problem
  18. D

    wierd thought...

    yeah i wonder that too! like before i was born was i someone else? my name means "born again" wich is also bretty cool
  19. D

    my bunny (all of the sudden)

    my bunny used to be fine with being picked up we'd just scoop him and he'd sit in my arms like a little angel, but now he FREAKS OUT i used to be able to at least rangle him into my arms to i could get him on a leash and take him for a walk but now its to the point were i cant even get him out...
  20. D

    wats wrong?

    hes breathing a lot slower than he normally does as if he having trouble breathing