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  1. PockyGirl

    Have you ever been at deaths door?

    I was at Hurricane Harbor in the wave pool when I almost drowned. I'm a good swimmer and all but someone was on a rental inner tube in there. They happened to float right over me and it was crowded in there. I was panicking trying to flip the tube and the person on it. I guess soemething I did...
  2. PockyGirl

    Are you emo?

    OMGZ :huh: Its a religion now too! (my weak attempt to be funny) Cutting is mental problem and can affect any teen no matter what they label themselves or others call them. The emo label just brings it out into the light more. Not everyone who labels themselves that does that though from...
  3. PockyGirl

    Are you emo?

    I'm finding this all amusing to read. x3 Someone accused me over the internet mind you, of being emo. I find that funny since emo is after my time. class of 2004 to be exact. I don't dress emo either(I'm to old for that) I guess they judged me by my taste in music. I like alot of Metal,rock, and...
  4. PockyGirl

    saddest animated movie ever?

    You wouldn't want to watch this short film they made on the story: "The Little Match Girl" then. It gets me everytime.
  5. PockyGirl

    Have you ever traded a pet before?

    No, I really don't see a point in it. I don't really agree with it to be honest.
  6. PockyGirl

    Swine Flu!

    I week before I found out about the Swine Flu I had a really bad cold that had he out of work for three days. I started to make a game out of it in the end. I'd go near people and cough while covering my face. I had people backing away from me. I think its over hyped... and no I'm not getting a...
  7. PockyGirl

    If your life was a book, what would it be called?

    My general school life would be "Life After the Bad School Years"(not in school anymore) My social life would be called "The Girl who is Still Learning to Trust Other People" My home life would be called "Without a home in a house of Seven" My life in the Summer would be called "Lisa's Sugar...
  8. PockyGirl

    saddest animated movie ever?

    xD Gosh this is bringing back memories, when the First Pokemon movie came out in theaters I cried in that movie, my cousin was just looking at me like are you kidding me your in middle shool. lol. I remember crying in the theaters in the Lion King movie too. The movie Up though had both my...
  9. PockyGirl

    parents strike on tamas

    My mother hates Tamagotchi because I think shes disappointed that I like stuff like that at my age. Whenever I buy something childish she gives me that look like "why do you need that, grow up already!!!!" Its not like they are the only things I purchase, I like to get new cloths(hate shopping...
  10. PockyGirl

    how long do you think you will keep your tamas?

    I've been interested in virtual pets since the age of 11, that would be 13 years. No I don't think I'd get rid of my Tamagotchis or my neopets. I take breaks now and then but I always come back to them.
  11. PockyGirl

    Do you remember your first tama?

    A black and orange P2, I think I was 11 at the time or maybe 12. Anyway I always killed the poor tamagotchi off. D: I wasn't to good of a caretaker, I ended up asking my mother to babysit it. xD She wasn't really any better then I was. Recently though I forgot a tamagotchi home and she took care...
  12. PockyGirl

    People snickering

    Making fun of anyone is wrong, disability or no disability. Being teased can really hurt someone deep inside. I was in Special Ed in school and got treated pretty badly for it. Not everyone is mentally disabled in those classes you know. I have a learning disability and that does not make me...
  13. PockyGirl

    Factfile of Yourself~

    Okay Name: Lisa Date Of Birth: Nov 20 Age: 23 Location: NJ USA Height: 5"7 Weight: Do I really have to share that? Its embarrassing Shoe size: 10 on one foot and 10 1/2 on the other Hair color: brown Eye color: brown Skin tone: light olive-like Favourite band/singer: N/A Favourite...
  14. PockyGirl

    Mental breakdowns.

    Whenever I'm in a fight with a family member I feel like I'm going to explode on them. Usually I feel like screaming to get rid of the negative pressure building up. It doesn't take much to set me off into a fit of anger. I don't like that part of me. I snap to easily for the stupidest reasons...
  15. PockyGirl

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    I did end up reading them to form my own opinion, I find them just ok. Shes no JK Rowling. Not well written but I like some of the characters. *cough*Jasper+Alice*cough* I don't see what the whole hype about these books are.
  16. PockyGirl

    Look! O.o

    I did this in the past on my V4 with a Tamagotchi named Monk. He was way up there in his hundreds. I've thought about doing it again with my Transparent Black V3. Mayze is only 3 right now though.
  17. PockyGirl

    My V.3!

    After almost a year I've started playing with my tamagotchi again. I started up my Transparent pink and Transparent Black V3s. I really like the see through designs when they are in nice colors. I plan to order a TMGC+C too, it looks fun.
  18. PockyGirl

    If there is an English version of TMGC+C...

    Thats the main reason why I want a TMGC+C. I stopped playing tamagotchis for almost a year. Every version they released after the V3 weren't that great. The V4 and V4.5 couldn't hold a candle to their Japanese forms, the Entama and Uratama. I haven't even bothered to buy a Music star. All I want...
  19. PockyGirl

    Tama in or danger?

    Not in school anymore but back in the 96/97 tamagotchi days I had a teacher threaten to take it away. Good times! x) Yesterday a boss asked me what I was working on while I was trying to put the cover back over my tamagotchi and told her so. I think I confused her. Because she was like what?? xD...
  20. PockyGirl

    Does anyone actually own an Ancestor Tama?

    Just a Tamagotchi Angel right now. I used to have a black and orange p2 back in the days of 97. Now what did I ever do with that p2. Haven't seen it since 1998. ^^;