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  1. PockyGirl

    How many tamagotchis are you playing right now?

    My tamagotchi P. I find that more than one tamagotchi is to much for me now.
  2. PockyGirl

    How many of you guys are in college/college aged?

    Not in college but older tamagotchi fan. My tamagotchi obsession started when I was eleven years old. As I got older though it isn't as strong as it used to be. I still collect virtual pets but I play them maybe once a year. As for people judging you, I know the feeling. Last time I went to a...
  3. PockyGirl

    Have you ever gotten somebody into Tamagotchis?

    My friend has a lot of nieces and nephews.(I'm the adopted Aunt my friend figures) Some have really liked my Tamagotchi P. It makes me happy to be able to share what I loved as a kid with the next generation. As for people my age, sadly no. Only way you would get my friend into a tamagotchi was...
  4. PockyGirl

    Have you ever been bullied?

    In middle school for being in the special ed classes. Even now sometimes a jerk will come along and feel the need to harass me because of my weight. Seriously your a grown up this isn't the school play ground. Grow up.
  5. PockyGirl

    Name anime opening and ending songs you like

    Ending theme for Jellyfish Princess. Such a positive song
  6. PockyGirl

    Any Embarrassing Tamagotchi Stories?

    Just picture some young 21 year old floating on an inter tube while playing a v4 in a double sealed snack bag. Yeah... I was really immature back then... Also dropped one of my tamagotchi back then in a parking lot and it rolled under a car. I was half under some person's car trying to reach...
  7. PockyGirl

    Guilty Pleasures

    Coloring in coloring books. I have emergency crayons and coloring books for when I need a break from being a grown up. Painting sun catchers for same reason as above. Eating junk food and not caring.
  8. PockyGirl

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    Thanks to Bee and Puppycat(was voiced by Oliver), the english Vocaloid Oliver. Only bad thing is most of his songs are either really sad or really creepy.
  9. PockyGirl

    What are you listening to now? The Umbrella Salesman
  10. PockyGirl

    Discovering TamaTalk?

    Joined up after finding out they were releasing Tamagotchi again in 2004.
  11. PockyGirl

    The Mysterious Dress

    I see both depending on which color I focus on more. My mind is freaked out by this, and just sending messages to my eyes what color it thinks it is. Its just an optical illusion.
  12. PockyGirl

    How much have you changed since joining TamaTalk?

    A lot considering I was fresh out of high school and very immature. I really didn't have to much online experience back then(most of my computers were handmedowns because family was poor). Tamatalk was the one of the first forums I joined besides a hamster forum. Yeah the things I said and did...
  13. PockyGirl


    Waiting for the last pierce now.
  14. PockyGirl

    What's something you are currently very happy about?

    A website I used to go on all the time is having their Survival Celebrations going on right now. The last two I did not attend due to them taking away the zombies. Well the zombies are back, my favorite holiday is as it should be again.
  15. PockyGirl

    Favourite Tamagotchi Version

    Tamagotchi P is becoming my second favorite full color tamagotchi. It seems to work better with my lifestyle right now. When I'm work my little Kuchipatchi is also, at his part time job at the park.
  16. PockyGirl


    Got one pierce today. Waiting on two more pierces to arrive for my P.
  17. PockyGirl

    Who are you rasising?

    My Kuchipatchi on my P. I plan on keeping him a while. :wub:
  18. PockyGirl

    What's your least favorite Vintage?

    Ignore stupid poster
  19. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    Thought I lost my P's rubber heart yesterday, was really bummed out. Found out my great aunt threw it in the just changed waste bucket. Glad I didn't lose it . I spent half of my day yesterday running one of my Dinkie Dinos(i have 2, both thrift shop finds ) Before deciding I didn't want to be...