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  1. T

    Characters on V5

    Thank you very much!
  2. T


    I always got Kuchitamatchi when it was a toddler so its a good health charcter.
  3. T

    I'm sorry Jim...

    Tamagotchi's Name:Tim Tamagotchi's Age: 2 Date of Birth: July 4th Date of Passing:July 6th What Generation? 1 Your Comments: I saw you dying...I wasn't fast enough to grab a pen or pencil...all I had was a lego brick and maybe a large stick. Your son the Kornetchi is safe with me isn't that...
  4. T

    Have you ever had...

    Yes, it is just a Viritual Pet in a decorated Shell.
  5. T

    How do you get Princess Tamako?

    Actually, its Tamastatchi and Tamako OR Tamahiko and Rosetchi. Please note that these can be backwards and the character you choose to marry must be %100.0 bonding. BTW its actually Tamastatchi.
  6. T

    Characters on V5

    Last Question. If Violetchi marries, will she still become MamaVioletchi no matter what??
  7. T

    V5 trouble!

    OK, but can I wait for those babies my friends have to grow older and can I marry one of those babies when they are adults (just wonderin') and should I pick accept next time?
  8. T

    The Stone and the Smile Family

    Mikazukitchi didn't evolve into Jeweltchi after all...... they are fast asleep. BTW I'm expectin' Furikotchi (keepin' bonding in the middle section), Mumutchi :) :D :P , and Violetchi (YAY!!!). I've always been pickin' the 1st icon. That should cover it up for today. Cya!!!
  9. T

    tama cheats

    Please move this to "Help for Tamagotchi Owners"!
  10. T

    connecting two v6 (music star) tamagotchis

    He's probably namin' it after the loss of his old one. Ask him if it just appeared there already as a name. If so, that's normal. My friend's KuroMametchi named Tim died and he named the Tsubutchi Tim who is now another Kuromametchi (note that when your Tama dies as for example a Kunoitchi, it...
  11. T

    Too Many Snacks?

    It doesn't affect the life or death situation. Yes, 30 pounds is the Proper weight for an adult.
  12. T

    Music star growth chart?

    Some user called Tamastargirl made one a while back. Dreamitchi and Dazzilitchi are the special characters you can get with the Boys' Destiny Star and the Girls' Destiny Star that you can get on Music City for 4th Gold. Hope I helped!!!
  13. T

    Tamagotchi music star gotchi points?

    Just rely on the king to give you points and when it's an adult, rely on concerts and if in 2nd Generation and higher, also rely on parents. Yes that's where I got my guitar. Hope I helped!!
  14. T

    My Tamagatchi died :(

    Yes, you should post in the Tamagotchi Memorial section as I did for Jif. That'll show people how much you loved him. Just grieve for a few minutes and boot your Tamagotchi back up by pressin' A and C together. BTW there are no Diabetes/Cancer in Tamagotchi. It makes it more complicated if you...
  15. T

    Can you get mimitchi on 4.5?

    The "Others" Family is basically a set of characters that are hard to obtain. Like I said, You can get it by marrying your Memetchi to a Mametchi (I'd probably do that), Kuchipatchi (I'd go with that too), and Gozarutchi (I would definitly NOT do that!!). You don't get them by takin' bad care of...
  16. T

    one music star question

    You have to do all of the concerts as well as makin' your ryhthm, tone, and orirginal. Make sure you have a good character like for examle, Kuromametchi (normally the Perfect and Good care go do that but I've only known 1 OK care character that did that). Hope I helped!!!
  17. T

    How do you get a Rosetchi on the V5.5?

    Ok, I now have a Rosetchi (who I'm not gonna marry to Tamahiko!)! Thank you!!
  18. T

    V5 trouble!

    OK so, I mated my V5 Memetchi with a V5 Mametchi and I selected give and he selected accept. I didn't get babies and Memetchi is married! Did Mametchi kidnap the babies or somethin'? Can I marry again? Or will I be stuck with the Meme Family forever until I get tired of it and reset it? Please Help!
  19. T

    Can a V1 and a V2 mate?

    I don't think you can mate a V4, 4.5, 5 (of course!), and 6 (of course!). If you mate them together, for example a V1 Tarakotchi mates a V2 Chohimetchi, Chohimetchi will appear as a Nazotchi on the V1 and Tarakotchi will appear on the V2 as Nazotchi as well. Hope I helped and yes they can mate!!!
  20. T

    v4.5 questions

    Your welcome (BTW nice postcard)!