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  1. V

    Guess the name!

    laura would be a gorgeous name. ;; hm...Caroline? O.o;
  2. V

    Guess the name!

    i already kinda know it....Katie :wacko:
  3. V

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    blarg is a tiger from poopland yay! =P -> i have an elephant named Ellie
  4. V

    Guess the gender!

  5. V

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    AHHHHHHHHH AN EVIL LAUGH OH NOOOOOOOO --> why do you people like omelets
  6. V

    The ^ > V game!

    duh :] ^hates miley >likes hating miley V hates her too?
  7. V

    Ban The Person Above You For A Silly Reason!

    i ban you because i love your avatar. xP
  8. V

    Guess the gender!

    a girl.
  9. V

    Ban The Person Above You For A Silly Reason!

    i ban you 'cause nick jonas looks like a guy i like. >:u
  10. V

    Games that annoy you?

    The new SSB or any new mario game. i really prefer oldsckool mario. old skool anything really.
  11. V

    What kind of batteries does v4 and v5 take?

    but when you buy them, don't fall for the dollar store ones. get Duracell or energizer. :D
  12. V

    17 year old boy decapitated at Six Flags Alanta

    kids getting stupider every freaking moment is becoming some fad.
  13. V

    The ^ > V game!

    yeah i hate the attention *****. ^hates miley cyrus >is apparently helping plot her death V will join our bandwagon
  14. V

    Guess the Song!

    yanno, don't just say i don't know, try and actually guess. it's so annoying when all i see is 'I dannooo!!" :D Babydoll Gone Wrong Hello little boys, little toys We’re the dreams you're beliveing Crawling up the walls Running down your face Razor sharp, razor clean Feel the weapon's...
  15. V


    on the v2, when connecting with other versions which are not v2, choose v1. :D
  16. V

    Have you ever been at deaths door?

    i almost get hit by cars every year. :D
  17. V

    Do people think you look your age?

    when i was 11 people assumed i was already in highschool. :P i wanna look young.
  18. V

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    Clowns are to let you now, that you've let your senses go. --> I loveee chocolate! it's soo guuuud. <3
  19. V


    you were valedictorian and got lots of awards? you sound like a girl i know. congrats either way, i didn't get zip. =P and, i wanted my hair to be curled so badly, but my hair wasn't long enough to be curled so i just got it straightened but it looked just as gorgeous. :P and the dj thing...
  20. V

    First Dance...

    but girl, at least you danced with someone at your first dance. i was too shy to ask anyone in all of my grade 7 dances. :angry: