They are both really different. First, the V3 has a small antenna on the shell of the Tamagotchi while the V6, also known as the Music Star, has no antenna. These Tamas have different games and different characters. I guess the main difference would be the V6 is completely themed around music...
Welcome to TamaTalk!
I'm not quite sure what you mean by starting up the Tamagotchi but all you have to do is pull the little tab on the side of it and it should beep and there ya go! Here is a guide for how to raise a Music Star. Have fun!
Teen pregnancy is definately a problem, and I honestly think that the teens that get pregnant are really irresponsible. However, there isn't much you or I can do about it so we just have to let it be.
I live in Connecticut and this is the snowiest winter we've had since 95-96. There's gotta be at least two and a half feet of snow outside, if not more. We've already had six snow days lol. We just had a snowstorm on Monday night and a sleet/snowstorm last night. We're expecting an ice storm on...
What kind of weird foods do you eat? You know, foods that people don't usually have for a snack.
I love mixing cool whip and peanut butter together and eating that. It tastes soo good! Cyber-high-five to whoever tries that lol.
I guess my parents approve. They tolerate it. When I was younger they thought it was a great way to shut me up for a few hours but now that I'm older they just think I'm weird. :D
Oh yes, I've unfortunately experienced this. I bought my younger brother a Tama for Christmas a few years ago. He opened it, played with it for two minutes, then demanded I take care of it.
The V2 will always be my favorite :huh: It was the first tama I've ever owned. Ahh, memories lol. But other than that the V2 has tons of characters yet is very simple. The shell designs are so cute and it doesn't have a thick chunky antennae. I also like the V3 but past that things get a...
Google Chrome, though I've tried Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Google Chrome just seems to load faster to me, while I loaathhee Internet Explorer. It's so slow on my computer! Firefox and Safari also work well but GC is my fav :lol:
Eh... she's okay. Not exactly my favorite... but I see your point, she does look a tad creepy :lol: She kinda looks like an old lady wearing one of those big flower hats lol.
I voted for the V2. It's simple, yet has new features that the V1 doesn't. It brings back tonnnss of memories cause this is the first tama I bought :( I used to bring it everywhere with me. Also it doesn't have those huge antennae things that the V4-V5.5 had. The V3 didn't bug me so much but...
I don't have any :mellow: but I would've voted for the Tamagotchi iD. #1. It's in color. Admit it, that's freaking awesome. #2. It has those cool weather features (yeah, the Tama-Go has these too but the iD is in CoLoR ^_^ . #3 I heard you can put it on your cell phone or something like...
I had a very weird dream.
I was in English class which was in a dungeon. I forgot to do the homework so my teacher (whom I'm VERY afraid of) gave me a detention and I started crying. All the kids who did do the homework got to go to Six Flags while I stayed behind. My teacher gave me some...
Depending on the store you go to, you could buy two music stars. However it really depends on what you're looking for and how much time you're willing to put into your tama.