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  1. Yellowmoodtama


    Yeah, I was bullied in 6th grade. A few boys in my class used to tease me because when I smile I get these wrinkles under my eyes and I guess I just look like a rat. :rolleyes: I don't think they really meant it though, they said they were "just joking", but saying my face is as ugly as a...
  2. Yellowmoodtama

    Tamagotchis on Airplanes

    A few years ago I brought my tama on a plane and no one said or did anything. It was on the whole ride.
  3. Yellowmoodtama

    Which Pokemon Black and White starter pokemon would you choose?

    Oshawott. Whenever I start a new game for the first time I always choose the water starter. :wacko:
  4. Yellowmoodtama

    whats your favorite pokemon?

    Swampert. When I played through Sapphire when I was seven I tried to beat the Elite Four with only my Swampert, which I did. The thing is a tankkk haha.
  5. Yellowmoodtama

    What do your PARENTS think about Tamagotchis?

    My parents kinda give me a look that says, "You still play with those toys?". But other than that they could care less.
  6. Yellowmoodtama

    What are you reading now?

    I'm reading my mom's old high school copy of Wuthering Heights. I'm about five pages into it. :lol:
  7. Yellowmoodtama

    Freak Like Me.

    I have a really bad habit of picking my split ends. Whenever I get the chance, in school, in the car, etc., I just keep splitting them. People give me weird looks... :lol: I know it's bad for your hair but it's so much fun. :D
  8. Yellowmoodtama

    whats your favorite starter pokemon region?

    Johto. It feels very straight-forward and easy to understand. Plus I think the best Pokemon are in the Johto region. ;)
  9. Yellowmoodtama

    the pokemon memorial

    Blue, Crystal, and Diamond kinda ran off on their own... Red was dropped in some water. Ruby was apparently "thrown away by accident". I swear I saw Sapphire somewhere recently but who knows. These games have minds of their own.
  10. Yellowmoodtama

    Pokemon Fans!

    1. First Name: Amanda 2. Favorite Pokemon: Swampert :lol: 3. Favorite Pokemon Game: Hmm.. probably HeartGold. 4. On a scale from 1-10, how much do you like Pokemon: 10! I've been playing since I was five and I kinda can't stop... 5. When playing Pokemon, do you describe yourself as a...
  11. Yellowmoodtama

    where do you get your tamagotchis?

    I've gotten mine from Walmart, Target, and Amazon.
  12. Yellowmoodtama

    Does anyone Keep a Tamagotchi Records?

    I keep a journal with the names and the adult they grow into. When I was younger I used to have this journal full of literally everything the tama did during the day. I was a bored child... haha.
  13. Yellowmoodtama

    Most generations you've gotten?

    The most I've gotten so far is 10 on my Music Star. I'm playing with it right now so we'll see how far I can get.
  14. Yellowmoodtama

    Pirates of the Caribbean

    So the 4th movie is coming out soonn :lol: I'm trying to be really open minded about the whole thing, even though Keira and Orlando aren't gonna be in it :angry: What do you guys think of the movie?
  15. Yellowmoodtama


    I'm kinda on the fence about God... I was raised Catholic and I go to a Catholic high school but I have my moments of doubt. There are so many religions in the world, so which one is right? How come Christianity is supposed to be the only "right" religion from the hundreds of religions out...
  16. Yellowmoodtama

    Music Star glitch?

    I think it was on the V4.5, but maybe on the V3, too. I've actually had that glitch, and it isn't much different from this bread glitch I had. It might be able to be solved the same way as I solved the bread glitch, but I just didn't think to try to solve it when I had it.
  17. Yellowmoodtama

    Valentine's Hatch [log]

    Hey guys, happy singles' awareness day! A couple of hours ago I hatched my V5 Celebrity- just something relatively simple so I'm not too busy with all my school work. This is the tama I hatched: And then this little screen popped up: And I got three new babies: Which evolved into cute...
  18. Yellowmoodtama

    Music Star glitch?

    Yeah, the first time I put the new battery in I didn't push the battery in correctly so it made this weird sound. Then the bread thing happened :/ but no worriess! I pressed download and when the shop refreshed with new items, it wasn't bread :lol: Then I just deleted all my items, foods...
  19. Yellowmoodtama

    A sad day :(

    Sometimes the work/school load becomes too much to handle so yes, I've done the same as you. You just gotta take some time to get straightened out and organized and then you can go back to playing with them.
  20. Yellowmoodtama

    Cant decide which tama to start again?

    Those are my favorite Tamas- the V2 and the V3. They're simple yet tons of fun. It's really up to you which one you want to play- if you want to do online stuff with the V3 or keep it really simply with the V2. Personally, I would go with the V3 because there's tons of characters you can get and...